
rtl_power format not compatible with Kyle Keen's heatmap.py

mripv6 opened this issue · 0 comments

Using soapy_power output as the input to Mr. Keen's heatmap.py causes heatmap.py to throw an error. The problem is that the start frequency in soapy_power output is a float and heatmap.py expects an int. I modified heatmap.py. Search for 'line[2]' and make the code read int(float(line[2])). After that, it seems to work.

Just for posterity, this is the line I used to generate the .csv file:

soapy_power -r .5M -f 7.0M:7.4M -b 4096 -F rtl_power -O 40m.csv -t 10 -q -e 600 -s 16380 -g 10

Shows a nice sample of the 40M ham band.

Hope this helps somebody.