Too early to support loading existing files
frankshaka opened this issue · 6 comments
This project was started from scratch, and currently still lacks a bunch of required models/components, such as attachment management. Supporting loading existing files at this point will be buggy and hard to maintain. For example, when loading a .xmind file containing topic images and just saving it back, the image will be lost.
So I would recommend reverting this feature and keeping steady on building up the model layer, until we finally support all required models and components, and implement this feature then. At the present time, I would rather make this project only support creating new .xmind files, than see it becoming a buggy one that no one like to use.
In the meantime, we still welcome suggestions and ideas about loading existing files. We would like to know further about what you want this feature for. This will help us evaluate how to design the API as well as the inner infrastructure.
FYI, for those who want to load and display/render existing .xmind files, there is another project "xmind-viewer" specifically made for this purpose.
As @frankshaka mentioned that will invoking some problems on it. After an internal discussed, I'd like to release a new version and this feature will be removed temporarily.
Any progress on this feature ?
@danielsss Is there a way to programmatically read the .xmind files at all? (Forget about JS).
Say from Python or something.
@srid there's - works quite nice, but has quite a few limitations. E.g. it doesn't support parsing of pro features which I was looking for.
Hi. I have submitted a pull request related to this issue. I would appreciate if it was reviewed at your leisure. :)
意思是不能在浏览器预览本地的.xmind 文件?