
Enhance documentation with complete list of methods

benzen opened this issue · 4 comments

benzen commented

I understand that most of the api surface is generated based on XSD And that htmlFlow is a nice tool when using intelisence.

But some of us don't use language server and might prefer an exaustive documentation of the api.

For exemple a complete liste of elements, and a complete list of attributes would be a nice addition to the documentation.

But since the app is based on an xsd, the documentation should be too, is there a way to extract a complete liste of both sets?

You may find the javadocs for every Element implementation here: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/xmlet/htmlApiFaster/1.0.12/htmlApiFaster-1.0.12-javadoc.jar

And you have a listing in org/xmlet/htmlapifaster/package-summary.html

Off course it misses a description because it is auto generated.

Is this kind of HTML docs you are looking for?

Perfect for me

Version 4.1 released and solve this issue.