
Problems using XsdParser in Windows

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I ma having problems parsing the XSD in windows. There are a lot of missing attributes:

In MacOs:


In Windows with the same code, same input XSD, and same JDK version, at same code line:


I don't know how to investigate the problem.

Thanks a lot.

Hello, can you provide me the XML that you are having issues parsing in Windows so I can test it?

There are a problem with the paths that contains the separator "\"

This works perfectly on both mac and windows:

 this.parserInstance = new XsdParser("libs/metadata_lib.xsd");

But this has the commented problem:

 this.parserInstance = new XsdParser("libs\\metadata_lib.xsd");

This solve my problem, but I think perhaps there are a problem in the library. Thanks a lot for all your time and this library. It's amazing.

Thanks for the investigation, I'll try to investigate it further on future releases of the library to make it work in both MacOs and Windows.