
Missing `template` in stubs (pyi)

tdivis opened this issue · 2 comments

As I upgraded to a newer version of python-xmlsec, mypy in my project started to report errors:

error: Module has no attribute "template"  [attr-defined]

My code is working and looks like:

import xmlsec

I figured it's since ceaea9c as the line from xmlsec import constants, template, tree was removed from src/xmlsec/__init__.pyi and only constants and tree was returned in different forms of import, but template seems to be forgotten.

So how should we fix this? How are the stubs (re)generated? I didn't find any documentation about this. Is this automatic process or some manual work? Or should I simply create Pull Request wit added import of template?

I simply added it to the stub, please let me know if this is OK or I should use different approach.