
Priortize constructors over factory methods in converters

ooraini opened this issue · 1 comments

The following line:

return creatorMethod.isPresent() ? creatorMethod : detectConstructor(target, source);

selects the factory method of if it's present over the constructor. Seems harmless until you you have a hierarchy of classes/interfaces in which some of them define the method of. I was surprised when I got ClassCastException because the factory method in the super interface returned an instance of a different type:

interface Super {
  static Super of(String s) {
    // return either new A, or new B

record A(String s) implements Super {}
record B(String s) implements Super {}

Is it more sensible to prefer the constructor when present over the factory method? The constructor is guaranteed to return an instance of the same type.

Good catch! I've revised the lookup to only consider the actual target class so that it'd naturally fall back to the concrete class' constructor.