
architecture issues

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Perhaps I'm dumb. In DDD there is no such concept called "Interface Layer", although this could be an Application layer. I get the point, but "Interface" feels like a really rough name because "not to be confused with java interface".

The Infrastructure layer here and in the Onion Architecture are intended to be the same, I think. I think it's worth looking back at 2008 when repository implementations were very dependent on ORM implementation (lots of references to org.hibernate and hql) and entities were coded as XML and not JPA annotations. Also this same layer like DDD would be intended to contain things like the message bus.

I assume, you refer to the @InterfaceLayer annotation in the jmolecules-layered-architecture (it would be nice if you clarified on such things in the tickets you open because otherwise, as trying to get to the gist of them requires a lot of second-guessing).

In part II, section four, Layered Architecture, both the diagram and the prose refer to the “User Interface” layer, which “Interface” is an abbreviation for.

right, but as you mention "gist" and "assume" java has an interface and some people suggest that you should only exposes interfaces. Some people also make api jars that only have interfaces. So only having @InterfaceLayer at a glance seemed like it referred to that. I am suggesting a clearer name to avoid the confusion and have code as documentation.

I thought I was clear. I'm sorry that you didn't understand what I was saying.