
X11- fails to compile

alexromanyuk opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Daniel,

I'm trying to install XMonad, but it fails due to some inappropriate character inside XScreenSaver.hsc. Could you please take a look?

$ cabal install  X11- -v  
 Graphics/X11/XScreenSaver.hs Graphics/X11/XScreenSaver.hsc
 hsc2hs: Char.intToDigit: not a digit 128

I've removed all comment's and it's worked... the next issue:

    Module `Control.Monad' does not export `void'


Looks like void was added in base-4.3, and we claim to work with base >= 3. Anyway, I've removed that import, so give it another shot.

Hi Daniel, your change fixed issue. Thank you for fast response! :)