
Graphics.X11.Types could include Thai etc. keybindings

vmchale opened this issue · 3 comments

Looking at /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h, there are many keys that are not mirrored in Graphics.X11.Types, e.g. the Thai keys, Hebrew Keys. It would be nice to have them.

It's a subset, I think to work around slow compilation when they're all imported (or maybe with respect to the .hi file). Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XorgDefault should have the full set.

Hm. Potentially it's just historical; the original X11 bindings were fairly sparse, which is why so much stuff is buried in "Extras" modules (which used to be a separate package). And really they don't belong in Graphics.X11.Types, they should be a distinct module. Someday the whole thing needs to be overhauled, with a flag day because everything using it will break if things are moved where they belong.

There are some Thai keys in Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XorgDefault; Graphics.X11.Types indeed seems intentionally kept minimal. There's also #21 with some scripts attached to add missing ExtraTypes keys.