
Hackage documentation is broken because of build error

dreamsmasher opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I'm trying to write a project that depends on X11, but the documentation on Hackage is currently broken. A quick look at the build logs shows that the CI is failing on cabal configure. For some reason, X11/extensions/Xrandr.h isn't being correctly found by cabal even though .travis.yml installs it. All the docs are missing because of this.

configure.ac makes use of AC_PATH_EXTRA, which should find the correct header files. I don't know if it's an error on Travis CI's part or a bug. This project configures and builds fine on my system.

Presumably we need a corresponding extra-include-dirs to go with the extra-lib-dirs — but then there's #73 which may follow from one or both.


The docs are fixed now as of #69. Thank you to everyone involved, now I can write my trash window manager with confidence B)