
New StatusBar module does not support everything DynamicStatusBars did

mathstuf opened this issue · 8 comments

Problem Description

Of note it assumes that it can kill a bar through killPid which is not guaranteed. Instead, it should be some default that uses killPid. My setup uses systemctl --user to start and stop, so there's no pid to kill (and even if it did, systemd would start it right up again.

Steps to Reproduce

Status bar cleanup needs to support a command to run to stop the status bars, not just some PID-run way (which is racy anyways).

Configuration File

Not really helpful here without the systemctl setup.


  • I've read CONTRIBUTING.md

  • I tested my configuration

    • With xmonad version 0.17.0
    • With xmonad-contrib version 0.17.0

Cc: @TheMC47

Of note it assumes that it can kill a bar through killPid which is not guaranteed. Instead, it should be some default that uses killPid.

I'm not sure if I misunderstood you, but isn't this exactly what we do? StatusBarConfig has an sbCleanupHook field, which one can customise in order to supply a different cleanup function.

  (statusBarPropTo "_XMONAD_LOG_0" "xmobar -x 0" (xmobarPP 0)){ sbCleanupHook =  }

As @slotThe said, the X.H.StatusBar has maximum flexibility and you can customize the behavior as you please: everything is X (). You could share your (old) config and I'm positive we can make it work with the new module.

Ah, I missed that sbCleanupHook is a customization point. Sorry, just been so long since I've done Haskell work (I'm the original author of X.H.DynamicBars). Let be poke at it a bit more (so that I better understand it myself)…

Awesome, X.H.DynamicBars was a big help when writing the new module, thank you for that!

Ok, it seems I was able to do it. For anyone curious, here's the relevant diff from my config:

@@ -567,12 +569,25 @@ myFocusFollowsMouse = True
 -- Status bars and logging
-myLogHook :: X ()
-myLogHook = myLog
-myLog :: X ()
-myLog = multiPP focusPP unfocusPP
+myStatusBar :: ScreenId -> IO StatusBarConfig
+myStatusBar screen@(S id) = return $def
+    { sbLogHook = do
+        st <- get
+        let isFoc = (screen ==) . W.screen . W.current $ windowset st
+        let pp = if isFoc then focusPP else unfocusPP
+        xmonadPropLog' prop =<< dynamicLogString pp
+    , sbStartupHook = safeSpawn "systemctl" ["--user", "start", "xmobar@" ++ idStr ++ ".service"]
+    , sbCleanupHook = safeSpawn "systemctl" ["--user", "stop", "xmobar@" ++ idStr ++ ".service"]
+    }
+        prop = "_XMONAD_LOG_" ++ idStr
+        idStr = show id
         focusPP = xmobarPP { ppTitle  = xmobarColor "green" ""
                            , ppUrgent = xmobarColor "red" "" . xmobarStrip
                            , ppExtras = ppHook hookFloat
@@ -587,34 +602,17 @@ myLog = multiPP focusPP unfocusPP
         s f fn@(ns:nl) = f fn (++ (' ' : (toUpper ns) : nl))
-myStatusBar :: DynamicStatusBar
-myStatusBar (S id) = do
-    safeSpawn "systemctl" ["--user", "start", "xmobar@" ++ idStr ++ ".service"]
-    spawnPipe $ "xmonadpropwrite " ++ prop
-    where
-        prop = "_XMONAD_LOG_" ++ idStr
-        idStr = show id
-myStatusBarCleanup :: DynamicStatusBarPartialCleanup
-myStatusBarCleanup id = safeSpawn "systemctl" ["--user", "stop", "xmobar@" ++ idStr ++ ".service"]
-    where
-        idStr = show id
 -- Startup hook
 myStartupHook :: X ()
 myStartupHook = do
-    docksStartupHook
-    dynStatusBarStartup' myStatusBar myStatusBarCleanup
     return ()
 -- Event hook
 myEventHook :: Event -> X All
-myEventHook = docksEventHook <+> statusBarEventHook <+> hintsEventHook
-    where
-        statusBarEventHook = dynStatusBarEventHook' myStatusBar myStatusBarCleanup
+myEventHook = hintsEventHook
 -- Urgency settings
@@ -632,7 +630,7 @@ main = xmonad urgentConfig
 -- Set the values
-defaults = def
+defaults = docks . dynamicSBs myStatusBar $ def
     -- simple stuff
     { terminal           = myTerminalCmd
     , focusFollowsMouse  = myFocusFollowsMouse
@@ -649,7 +647,6 @@ defaults = def
     -- hooks, layouts
     , layoutHook         = myLayout
     , manageHook         = myManageHook
-    , logHook            = myLogHook
     , startupHook        = myStartupHook
     , handleEventHook    = myEventHook

Awesome, X.H.DynamicBars was a big help when writing the new module, thank you for that!

This is certainly a better design where the status bar stuff is in one variable instead of strewn across a few of the hooks. The manual handle storage is a bit unfortunate, but not much to be done about that I suspect.

Though looking, I need to close that handle too…

Oh, indeed. Thanks :) .

Patch hand-updated; the hunk metadata is wrong, but no one is applying that as-is anyways…