
Failed to build xmonad-extras

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Attempting to build xmonad-extras fails
Using the latest github branch from xmonad , xmonad-contrib and xmonad-extras

$ cat ~/.xmonad/stack.yaml | grep -v "^#" | sed '/^$/d'
resolver: lts-14.7
- xmonad-git/xmonad
- xmonad-git/xmonad-contrib
xmonad --version
xmonad 0.15
stack init --force
Looking for .cabal or package.yaml files to use to init the project.
Using cabal packages:
- xmonad-git/xmonad-contrib/
- xmonad-git/xmonad-extras/
- xmonad-git/xmonad/

Selecting the best among 16 snapshots...


Selected resolver: lts-14.7
Resolver 'lts-14.7' does not have all the packages to match your requirements.
    xmonad-contrib version 0.16 found
        - xmonad-extras requires >=0.10 && <0.16
    Using package flags:
        - xmonad-extras: FlagName "testing" = False, FlagName "with_brightness" = True, FlagName "with_hint" = True, FlagName "with_hlist" = False, FlagName "with_mpd" = True, FlagName "with_regex_posix" = True, FlagName "with_sound" = True, FlagName "with_template_haskell" = True

This may be resolved by:
    - Using '--omit-packages' to exclude mismatching package(s).
    - Using '--resolver' to specify a matching snapshot/resolver

I've tried with --resolver lts-14.7 but no change. Am i doing something wrong?

Any input is appreciated.

Thank you,

peti commented

My guess is that xmonad-extras needs to relax its version constraints on xmonad-contrib to compile with the latest version. Maybe @psibi can help?

Thank you for the input @peti
Im assuming it has to do with xmonad-extras.cabal file.
Was playing with it a bit but not sure exactly what version numbers to put.

build-depends: base < 5, mtl, containers, X11>=1.4.3, xmonad>=0.10 && <0.16, xmonad-contrib>=0.10 && <0.16
adjusting to Tried to adjust to:
xmonad>=0.15 && <0.16, xmonad-contrib>=0.15 && <0.16
Similar to here

But no change.

psibi commented

@davama You would likely need to relax the xmonad-contrib changes in the xmonad-extras cabal file:

xmonad-contrib >= 0.15

I will give more time to this tomorrow.

Thank you @psibi for the reply!

 You would likely need to relax the xmonad-contrib changes in the xmonad-extras cabal file:

That works!
Of course not a solution but was able to build!

Should I close issue or leave open?

psibi commented

I think we can close this as #24 tracks it now. Thanks!