
Linux Distro Missing [void]

marcelfoss opened this issue · 7 comments

found in the repo for musl and glibc for amd64

--> https://voidlinux.org/packages/?arch=x86_64&q=xmonad

The packages were removed in this PR because installing system libraries with stack is a bad idea and Void builds Haskell things entirely with stack.

@slotThe I see! Nevertheless they are still online, but none of your concern. I build it using stack without any problems perhaps it is somehow possible to build it for void.

now I understand why I never was able to see xmonad w/ lightdm ;) I already thought I was too stupid :D thanks!
Perhaps it might make sense to put the dependencies for void on top to those other Distributions like Fedora, Arch, Debian etc which anyway resolve them with their pkg-managers

@slotThe here we go ;)

those are all depdencies after a fresh install with the basic package:

pkg-config gcc xz make ncurses-libtinfo-libs ncurses-libtinfo-devel stack git xorg libXft-devel libXScrnSaver-devel libX11-devel libXft-devel libXinerama-devel libXrandr-devel

# xbps-install []

Done in xmonad/xmonad@89ea135; thanks!