
Xmonad crashing need guidance/pointers

Vanderscycle opened this issue · 5 comments

Problem Description

Xmonad is crashing rather randomly. I am unsure where to turn to as the crashes started happening after changing gpu from nvidia to amd. The nvidia gpu had a short. Yes, I replaced the PSU.

Error log (.xsession-errors)

XMonad is recompiling and replacing itself with another XMonad process because the current process is called "xmonad" but the compiled configuration should be called "xmonad-x86_64-linux"
XMonad will use ghc to recompile, because neither "/home/henri/.xmonad/build" nor "/home/henri/.xmonad/stack.yaml" exists.
XMonad skipping recompile because it is not forced (e.g. via --recompile), and neither xmonad.hs nor any *.hs / *.lhs / *.hsc files in lib/ have been changed.
xmonad: X11 error: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter), request code=18, error code=5
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-autoeng.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-chttrans.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-classic-ui.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-clipboard.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-dbus.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-freedesktop-notify.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-fullwidth-char.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-imselector.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-ipc.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-ipcportal.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-keyboard.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-kimpanel-ui.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-notificationitem.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-pinyin-enhance.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-pinyin.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-punc.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-quickphrase.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-qw.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-remote-module.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-spell.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-table.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-unicode.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-vk.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-x11.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-xim.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-xkb.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-xkbdbus.conf
(INFO-971 addon.c:151) Load Addon Config File:fcitx-googlepinyin.conf

** (process:971): WARNING **: 09:24:36.688: Error loading plugin: libaspell.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

** (process:971): WARNING **: 09:24:36.688: Error loading plugin: libhspell.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

** (process:971): WARNING **: 09:24:36.688: Error loading plugin: libhunspell-1.7.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

** (process:971): WARNING **: 09:24:36.689: Error loading plugin: libnuspell.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

** (process:971): WARNING **: 09:24:36.689: Error loading plugin: libvoikko.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(ERROR-971 ime.c:432) fcitx-keyboard-tr-otk already exists
(ERROR-971 ime.c:432) fcitx-keyboard-us already exists
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option mesa_glthread overridden by environment.
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
XMonad is recompiling and replacing itself with another XMonad process because the current process is called "xmonad" but the compiled configuration should be called "xmonad-x86_64-linux"
XMonad will use ghc to recompile, because neither "/home/henri/.xmonad/build" nor "/home/henri/.xmonad/stack.yaml" exists.
XMonad skipping recompile because it is not forced (e.g. via --recompile), and neither xmonad.hs nor any *.hs / *.lhs / *.hsc files in lib/ have been changed.
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
[2022-11-10T17:25:12Z ERROR mp4parse] Found 2 nul bytes in "\0\0"
[2022-11-10T17:25:12Z ERROR mp4parse] Found 2 nul bytes in "\0\0"
[2022-11-10T17:25:12Z ERROR mp4parse] Found 2 nul bytes in "\0\0"
[2022-11-10T17:25:12Z ERROR mp4parse] Found 2 nul bytes in "\0\0"
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
(electron) Sending uncompressed crash reports is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Electron. Set { compress: true } to opt-in to the new behavior. Crash reports will be uploaded gzipped, which most crash reporting servers support.
[2322:1110/092526.302534:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(270)] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
[2322:1110/092526.303067:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(270)] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
[2322:1110/092529.497815:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(270)] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
[2322:1110/092529.551902:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(270)] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
[2322:1110/092529.552279:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(270)] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
(WARN-971 x11selection.c:309) Selection is too long.
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)
<file descriptor: 4>: commitBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)

The error log refers to fcitx which I do use for multiple languages.

Steps to Reproduce

Run slack, kitty term, firefox and discord all at once and wait for the random crash

Configuration File

My config


xmonad 0.17.1
ghc 9.0.2

I also have the following .xinitrc

export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
[[ -f ~/.Xmodmap ]] && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap


  • I've read CONTRIBUTING.md

  • I tested my configuration

    • With xmonad version XXX
    • With xmonad-contrib version XXX

What's your GHC version? There were some problems with code generation on GHC 9.2.{1,2,3}.

xmonad: X11 error: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter), request code=18, error code=5

This looks suspicious.

Currently using 9.0.2-1 which is what is currently available through the aur.

xmonad: X11 error: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter), request code=18, error code=5

This looks suspicious.

I've not seen this in any other than the mentioned code-gen error. Curious.

Took me forever, but tested using a clean install of fedora which didn't resolve the crashing so I narrowed it down to another hardware issue. Upon replacement I din't experience anymore crashes/freezes.

Sorry for bothering you.