
404 link in XIP-5

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The Reference Implementation section provides a link which is not publicly accessible.

@martindufort good call out! We haven't yet made that repo public, but I'll see what we can do to get some Gists up and running in the meantime. Will keep this issue active until it's been resolved.

Just to make it clear, the implementation has been merged into the SDK yesterday, so the latest version of the npm package has it.

I dumped the diff that was merged into a gist https://gist.github.com/mkobetic/949157c79807286c32bf466968248556

Just to make it clear, the implementation has been merged into the SDK yesterday, so the latest version of the npm package has it.

@mkobetic does this mean this issue can be closed?

Just to make it clear, the implementation has been merged into the SDK yesterday, so the latest version of the npm package has it.

@mkobetic does this mean this issue can be closed?

I believe the link in question was xmtp/xmtp-js#68 (from the XIP), and since we made
xmtp/xtmp-js repo public, I'd say this should be resolved.