
App Backups

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To make a really good app experience we need to allow application back ups.

Using the existing message history work lets expose a few more functions

  • Ability to export all message history in some sort of format that can be stored in a external DB (iCloud, Google Drive etc..)
    • Ability to specify a time range for message history based off of last backup
  • Ability to import this message history back into the libxmtp database

Per discussions this is not trivial. On login to a new device even if into the same app you will be using a new installation. This means you still need something to add you to all your existing conversations and groups for the import of messages to be useful.
A possible initial stop gap would be to add this functionality only for preference records like consent at first.

Backup the entire libxmtpDB. Installation keys stored in icloud. Revoke the installation key if it gets compromised.