
Notifying adapter left duplicate items in list after remove one item .

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On Notifying adapter on remove it duplicates the row item , When using multiple Item Types layout . Please look into issue .

would u please describe it with more details?

When i am calling NotifyDatasetChange as below
list.remove(forPosition); if (rv_Stack.getAdapter() != null){ rv_Stack.getAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); }

the next item from removed position appear twice. Then after scroll it working well cause onBindViewHolder() called for new items .
In my case only two items are showing in the list at a time(Each item height is half of the screen).

@diaz9557 i fixed this bug just now, u can try the latest code in the library module. Gradle dependency will be updated later.

Thanks dude .I'll try .
One more thing I have tested it in Kitkat and above . There is a behavior difference .

  1. On kitkat - On scroll to bottom the last items scrolls to the top .
  2. Above Kitkat - The last item remains on the bottom of recycler view .

Is this the issue with RecyclerView in Kitkat or some other ?

@diaz9557 Kitkat has this problem, I submitted new code just now. please try it again when you have spare time.