
function type of param with useDebounce return a wrong value

csu-feizao opened this issue · 0 comments

example like

const a = () => 'I am a string'
const debouncedA = useDebounce(a, 500)

log result: I am a string
expect: [function]

the reason is when useState got a function type of param, it will call this function to get result as state

export default function useDebounce<T>(
  value: T,
  delay: number,
  options?: { maxWait?: number; leading?: boolean; trailing?: boolean; equalityFn?: (left: T, right: T) => boolean }
): [T, ControlFunctions] {
  const eq = (options && options.equalityFn) || valueEquality;

  const [state, dispatch] = useState(value);

maybe to change like this will resolve?

export default function useDebounce<T>(
  value: T,
  delay: number,
  options?: { maxWait?: number; leading?: boolean; trailing?: boolean; equalityFn?: (left: T, right: T) => boolean }
): [T, ControlFunctions] {
  const eq = (options && options.equalityFn) || valueEquality;

  const [state, dispatch] = useState(typeof value === 'function' ? () => value : value);