Input file specified two times
fkoussa opened this issue · 7 comments
HI @fkoussa
Are you running this on Windows? What version? Are you running in cmd.exe?
If I'm honest, I've only tested on WSL on Windows but I'dd try to look into this issue if I can get a bit more info about your setup and I can reproduce.
Many thanks
Also, are you using python 3?
Yup, running on a 64bit Windows 11 - Python3.
Tried on both PowerShell and CMD.
- Followed the standard
python install
python <args>
I can confirm it works like a charm on WSL however.
Hi @fkoussa
It's great that it at least works in WSL, so hopefully you can still use it on there for now!
I'll leave this open for now as I'll try to look in a bit more detail at some point.
Thanks for taking the time to report the issue
I'll take some time off when I can to look into it and let you know if there is any possible fix.
Issue is that the "sort" command being used is Linux specific on line 2092
, added a check to do that depending on the OS.
if args.output != "cli":
filePath = os.path.abspath(args.output).replace(" ", "\ ")
# Fixes the "Input file specified 2 times" error message.
if != 'nt':
cmd = "sort -u -o " + args.output + " " + args.output
cmd = "sort /unique /o " + args.output + " " + args.output
sort =
cmd, shell=True, text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True
except Exception as e:
if vverbose():
print(colored("ERROR main 2: " + str(e), "red"))