
Inconsistent results

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Used xnl with default config on yahoo.com but results were different most of the times.

python3 xnLinkFinder.py -i yahoo.com

Number of links it extracted each time

  • 1: 244
  • 2: 5
  • 3: 237
  • 4: 242
  • 5: 229
  • 6: 237
  • 7: 237
  • 8: 5
  • 9: 243
  • 10: 235

Hi @Silentsoul04
It seems like they could be rate limiting you or something. Can you try running with -vv to see what errors are appearing, maybe the 5's are when you get 429?
You could also try changing the timeout with -t argument.

Yeah, you are right.. I did it with --vv and the 5s are for 403 status. Again did it with google.com (which is more static target) and results were between 17-18 each time. :)

That's annoying that some targets are blocking though. I'll have a look into that to see if there's anyway around it.
Also, when you do run for a real target, don't forget to use -sp, -sf and -d to get the most out of it. Good luck!

Hi @Silentsoul04
Just a quick update... I found that yahoo.com only retruns a 403 when the User-Agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1" is used. I have no idea, but I'm going to remove that one from the list in the next update so we don't see that issue again.

That's interesting behaviour @xnl-h4ck3r . Glad it is solved here.