
Content doesn't scroll + bars aren't visible during SSR

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey, awesome library!

I've been playing around with this component in NextJS and have noticed these scrollbars disable all scrolling/do not display in the initial server side rendered HTML

Here's a basic sandbox with NextJS, and a prod version deployed to Now

You can see how the scroll bars "pop in" after the bundle loads vs no scrolling/scrollbars in the initial html, disabling javascript + refreshing the prod demo should show the initial server html

I'm not sure if this is intentional behavior, ideally scrolling would be possible from the getgo

The side-effect in not having scrolling immediately can be perceived as input lag


"next": "latest",
"react": "^16.7.0",
"react-dom": "^16.7.0",
"react-scrollbars-custom": "4.0.5"

No, scrolling is not possible from the getgo because server has no window and i suppose no CSS and styles-related stuff (not sure about CSS - never used an SSR yet).

Anyways, if there is no CSS it is not possible to determine a lot of stuff, due to component uses getComputedStyle

@tim-soft maybe it'll be reasonable to add a prop to make tracks visible from init for situations when you're sure there will be a scrolling - it will minimize the "blink" effect for user.
But there is absolutely no way to make it scrollable from the getgo due to lack of CSS on which component is rely.

I think that sounds pretty reasonable. In that case, maybe adding this functionality to permanentTrackX/permanentTrackY/permanentTracks would make the most sense ?