Course instructor


   _____        _____      _____  _____   ______          ______   
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     \(    )/         )/              \(       )/        \(  |___|   
      '    '          '                '       '          '    )/     
| --------------------------Choose your weapon---------------------------|
|------------------------------------------------------- Try this at home|
1. Read TRM (too many pages => Hardcores).
2. Read Zynq book (no technical details => Bored and have nothing to do).
3. Code at home and hack the bsp! ( Requires 1&2 => Brave hearts).
4. Read the chronicles of microzed ( complete simple apps tutos => lazy).

  • Zynq book link : un livre sur le SOC Zynq de renommée internationale
  • Altera (le concurrent de ZYNQ, utilise le même contrôleur d'interruption que ZYNQ puisqu'il est fabriqué par ARM) propose une documentation plus digeste que celle de ARM ou Xilinx. link
  • ARM A9 link Intro ARM9 faite par Altera
  • Zynq TRM link
  • Vivado HLS user manual link

Course files

  • Course 0x00 (overview) link

  • Course 0x01 link

  • Course 0x01 part 2 link

  • Course 0x02 link

TP Files

TP 01 doccuments

  • TP0x01 link

  • TP0x01 guide link

  • Trying to explain IRQ handling mechanism in one page link

  • Bare metal drivers doccumentation link

  • Cortex A9 Processor Exception Handling (ckeck this link for a better understanding of the xilinix supplied exception handler page 23) link

  • Zybo referance manual link

  • TP0x01 source code link

TP 02 doccuments

  • TP0x02 link (a report should be sent to my email by the end of the TP)(this is a two sessions TP)
  1. TB example link
  • Constraints file link
  • Video tutorials :
Thing Link
Adding constraints file
IP creator
IP packaging
Writing to memory addresses


Double handshake protocol TD1

Sorry for the mistake on td 01. Question should be :

  • Extract the condition using the ready and valid signals to allow reading the data line.
  • Write a process that allows to reset the ready signal using rst signal and to set the ready signal.
  • Write the process that allows storing the content of data an internal register of the slave module when the handshake occurs and reset the register content to zeros when a reset occurs.
  • write a testbench to validate your hdl module.
  • Testbench example link
  • Exo1 source codes :
  1. TB EX01 link

Hardware debug TD2

  • TD0x02 link
  • ILA documentation link
  • JTAG to AXI Master documentation link
  • ILA video Tutorial link

Final project

In this project we will develop a prototype pf a guitar multi-effects pedal (we will use just two effects to demonstrate the feasibility of the Project).

  • Project doccument link
  • Constraints file link
  • Zybo audio control IP link
  • audio driver source code link
  • SSM2603 datasheet link
  • VHDL Testbench generation tool here
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'----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 
| ----------------------------------Ba byee-----------------------------------|
|---------------------------------------------------------------- Good luck!!!|

Student@insa:~/be_zynq/course$ ./be_zynq
Student@insa:~/be_zynq/course$ Press any key to rock and roll: