
Not getting full gallery

Closed this issue · 2 comments

momoe commented

I've attempted to run the master and the dev branch of this and have had not been getting the full number of deviations.
for example ruby fetch.rb -n https://phillip-the-2.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=/

This only downloads the first 12 deviation, while there's 235 currently in the gallery.

I have set the display to 24 thumb nails and paging to Click through pages. Is there something that needs to be included in the "?catpath=" part of the URL to continue paging?

momoe commented

I have done /gallery the results are the same for that and other deviant galleries. It's failling to grab all the images. The results vary from 10-60% missing

Starting to get some positive results, will continue testing and report back

Update 2 Sucessfully working now after some tweaking. TY for your assistance.