
npm package bundles node_modules?

jablko opened this issue · 3 comments

I noticed that some versions' npm package bundles a node_modules directory, e.g.

Versions without node_modules are +/- 11 files and +/- 64 kB vs. versions with are +/- 1,800 files and +/- 6 MB.

I'm also getting an error installing an XO dependant with npm 7:

npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod '/home/runner/work/remark-lint/remark-lint/node_modules/xo/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc'

Don't know for sure if the bundled node_modules is the culprit, but it looked unintended. Is it?

I haven't figured out why it's there in some versions and not others. I'd assumed that npm publish would exclude node_modules. It is listed in .gitignore ...

More context here: #624 In short, it's needed to work around npm bugs.

I'm also getting an error installing an XO dependant with npm 7:

Probably better to bring this up on the npm issue tracker.


  • npm >= 8 (Node.js >= 16) works
  • npm <= 6 (Node.js <= 14) without bundledDependencies: @typescript-eslint/parser is hoisted, typescript isn't -> Cannot find module 'typescript' 100% of the time
  • npm 7 with bundledDependencies: npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod '/home/runner/work/remark-lint/remark-lint/node_modules/xo/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc'
    • Caused by bundledDependencies? Smells like it but unconfirmed.
    • Under what conditions?
      • If you install xo, typescript@4.5.5 -> node_modules/typescript and succeeds.
      • If you install remark-lint, typescript@4.4.4 -> node_modules/typescript, presumably typescript@4.5.5 -> node_modules/xo/node_modules/typescript? and fails.
      • xo doesn't bundle typescript
      • node_modules/xo/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc should exist?

I tried summarizing on the npm issue tracker: npm/cli#4441
