
Question: Is there a way to disable auto-fixing for a subset of rules

pharmpy-dev-123 opened this issue · 6 comments

I like that @typescript-eslint/ban-types raises errors when running xo.
I do not like that @typescript-eslint/ban-types auto-fixes apply when running xo --fix.
This is because, in my experience, auto-fixing for this rule almost always produces broken source.

Is it possible to configure xo so that auto-fixing for @typescript-eslint/ban-types is disabled but rule-violating lines still raise an error?

There's no way to do that. You will have to propose such a change over at https://github.com/eslint/eslint which is what XO uses underneath.

Is it possible to configure xo so that auto-fixing for @typescript-eslint/ban-types is disabled but rule-violating lines still raise an error?

The ban-types config has the ability to disable the fixers though. Look at the config. You can do so in your own code by overriding it.

Would you disable fixers for all the banned types or just some? If some, which ones? Out of curiosity.

auto-fixing for this rule almost always produces broken source.

Almost any change can break TS types though. At least it fails loudly.

There's no way to do that. You will have to propose such a change over at https://github.com/eslint/eslint which is what XO uses underneath.


The ban-types config has the ability to disable the fixers though. Look at the config. You can do so in your own code by overriding it.

I will look into it, that looks like a solution to my problem.

Would you disable fixers for all the banned types or just some? If some, which ones? Out of curiosity.

A priori, all of them. I have problems with null being partially fixed to undefined producing broken source that is later caught by TypeScript.

NB: Naively configuring @typescript-eslint/ban-types does not work. I get the following errors when trying to lint non-TypeScript file.

/home/runner/work/amdui/amdui/gatsby-config.js: line 1, col 1, Error - Definition for rule '@typescript-eslint/ban-types' was not found. (@typescript-eslint/ban-types)
/home/runner/work/amdui/amdui/lint-staged.config.js: line 1, col 1, Error - Definition for rule '@typescript-eslint/ban-types' was not found. (@typescript-eslint/ban-types)

I think I need to be more specific about the files this rule covers.

eslint’s solution for this is to set the rule as a warning instead: eslint/eslint#8935

I don’t think XO can effectively do this outside ESLint unfortunately.