
More strict `import/order` options

EdJoPaTo opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently import/order uses the default options. As xo is a strict config I think there could be some options enabled.

I suggest this config:

"import/order": [
    "newlines-between": "never",
    "alphabetize": {
      "order": "asc",
      "orderImportKind": "asc",
      "caseInsensitive": true

I think the groups option already has a good default so it doesnt need to be improved.

newlines-between should be either never or always in my opinion. Both seem fine and both are an improvement over ignore.

alphabetize with order asc and being caseInsensitive seem like a good idea. I am not so sure about the value of orderImportKind but I think some value should be set to be more strict.

newlines-between should be either never or always in my opinion. Both seem fine and both are an improvement over ignore.

👍 Added in fe6db72

alphabetize with order asc and being caseInsensitive seem like a good idea. I am not so sure about the value of orderImportKind but I think some value should be set to be more strict.

Alphabetizing may sound tempting, but I have tried it years ago and it's simply not worth it. It results in a lot of churn and failing lints, with little benefit. It's not something I plan to add.