Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing & Command Query Responsibility Segregation with Typescript
- apheon-terra
- avnigenc@colendi-project
- bulicmatko
- cmarchenaSprint With Carlos
- da-vaibhavPune, Maharashtra, India
- davidmoshal
- dkonsoftware@recurglobal
- dtiarksCambrion
- edwinpgmTrujillo, Peru
- efuller@alleyinteractive
- emzoLlandudno, UK
- faisol-chehumarTellscore
- FedericoBiccheddu@ParcyApp
- fwoelffel@mercateam
- GoMinoX-Squad
- Hrazhan
- imsergiobernalValència, Spain
- johannesschobelUlm, Germany
- jvitor83GlobalShares (JPMorgan Company)
- leehStage TEN
- leizhang
- loft218
- mnaeem95Delivery Hero
- mohamedreda-elkhadiriMicrosoft
- MrCaumartin
- nnnnathannOberd
- nprbstColorado, USA
- obengwilliamStockholm/Sweden
- PCianeshttps://github.com/AppVery
- penkongHeidelberg
- psychoplasmaSeoul, South Korea
- rickintveldFX Fugazi
- rogerballard@tokenweb3
- smhmayboudiFreelancer
- tantona@awslabs @mipadrinoteam
- vuurpylDigital Rogue Wave