
How to update CppAst to v0.12.0

mikucat0309 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using SkiaSharpGenerator to generate P/Invoke API files, it depends on CppAst v0.8.0,
when I execute dotnet add package CppAst --version 0.12.0, nuget showing error below

error: NU1102: Unable to find package CppAst with version (>= 0.12.0)
error:   - Found 3 version(s) in dotnet-public [ Nearest version: 0.8.0 ]
error:   - Found 0 version(s) in dotnet-eng
error:   - Found 0 version(s) in dotnet6
error:   - Found 0 version(s) in dotnet7
error:   - Found 0 version(s) in dotnet8

I have no idea why 0.9.0 or later version not available?

Move SkiaSharpGenerator out of SkiaSharp solved this problem