
Plugins\Bars.lua:551 Error

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, i get this Error in Zg > http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=7e83ec-1484421322.jpg by High Priest Thekal (Tiger)

Thank you very much for your report.
Sadly the error message is not very descriptive. I found something that might have caused theissue. I fixed it in the following commit: a3d5327

Hi Xorann, now i have a new Error by the figth :s Here the Pic with the message http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=a67a4a-1484671005.jpg

hopefully, that can help you - Mixus

Ychap commented

The reason for this error should be in Raids/ZG/Thekal.lua at line 452.
Use icon.phase2 instead of timer.phase2

Ychap commented

I've overlooked, that there are more wrong timer.*
Seems the reason was careless copy&paste by xorann.

Change in line 438 timer.silence to icon.slience
Change in line 442 timer.mortalCleave to icon.mortalCleave
Change in line 444 timer.disarm to icon.disarm
Change line 452 to self:Bar("Next Phase", 9, icon.phase2)

Thanks again for the report and for the help to find the issue.
The latest commit should fix it: 6d54988