
xoreos 0.0.5 tools won't run on Windows 7

JCarter426 opened this issue · 9 comments

I did some poking around and according to what I've found, this is probably a Windows problem rather than a xoreos problem and might not be worth fixing. But I figured I ought to make it known that there is an issue in case it becomes a problem for someone else.

Whenever I try to use at tool from the 0.0.5 release, I get the following error message:
The procedure entry point _create_locale could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll.
I found some old error reports for other software that suggest this issue is specific to Visual C++ on Windows 7. According to users from ages past, it shouldn't happen on Windows 8 or 10. And of course I know people who can run the 0.0.5 release tools on Windows 10 successfully, and they work for me on Linux. The 0.0.4 release tools also do run on Windows 7 for me, so the issue is probably limited to the most recent update. I can run the tools just fine on Linux or by downgrading for Windows 7, so no pressure or anything to fix them on my account.

That's our precompiled package from the releases page here on GitHub?

Those weren't even compiled with Visual C++, but with a cross-compiling mingw-w64 on my Linux box. I did upgrade it between the 0.0.4 and 0.0.5 release, though (it's a mingw-w64 7.3.0 now)

Yup, that sounds like it all right.

Seems to be some weird interplay between ICU and mingw. I'll see if I can resolve that somehow when I find some time.

Thanks for notifying us! :)

Oh, I still need to look at that as well. I consider that a blocker for a new release (which we've been talking about).

I do have a mingw-w64 8.3.0 set up now as well. If I throw a new test build of the xoreos-tools your way, @JCarter426, on the weekend, could you test it for me?


Based on 93122d5, built with mingw-w64 8.3.0 and ICU 63.1.

Please tell me if it's still broken with these.

I can confirm that tools now work on Windows 7 64-bit. I tested tlk2xml, xml2tlk, all with no errors. I also ran the help option on a few others and that displayed correctly too, so I assume they're all working. Good job!

Yay. Thanks for alerting and checking! :)