NCSDIS: Analyse control flow for recursive functions, and functions with incompatible fork merging
lachjames opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi :)
My ncs2nss decompiler is nearly complete, but I've run into a bit of a roadblock. I use the output from ncsdis's analysis to create function signatures, which greatly simplifies the data flow analysis (because I can do the analysis in a single pass). However, the control flow fails in the following cases:
- Unbalanced block fork merging detected
- Recursion is detected
From looking at the decompiled code (attached to the issue - don't take it as gospel though, as there are certainly mistakes in it) for the file "cp_end_trasksp_d.ncs", which causes the block fork issue (as discussed on the DeadlyStream forums), I have a suspicion that the problem is due to some compiler issue with returning from a subroutine, where it doesn't clean up the stack properly. If I had to guess, I'd say that this issue was never found because it is caught and handled by the interpreter at runtime, but I could be completely wrong. In any case, hopefully the attached decompiled code will help out.
The recursion issue is more difficult - however, I think I have an idea for how it can be solved. When a recursive function is detected, you can parse the function and do the following in a single pass:
- Whenever an access is made to the stack below the bottom of the stack using a cptopsp command (i.e. an argument access), record the argument and its type (which can hopefully be determined from the commands which subsequently use this argument after copying it to the top of the stack). Record this in the "list of argument types".
- When we write down below the bottom of the stack using cpdownsp, that indicates that we are writing a return value. Record this type in the "set of below-stack assignments".
After this analysis, the final step is to find the position on the stack of the lowest "below-stack assignment". If this position is not contained by any of the arguments, it's a return value. If the "below-stack assignment" set is empty, or all of the assignments were to positions known to be arguments, there is no return type and it's a void subroutine.
The above algorithm works on non-recursive functions with no issues. If the function calls itself directly (direct recursion), a simple heuristic algorithm I can suggest is to run the previous algorithm multiple times, with the number of arguments hard-set to 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., until you find a number for which the stack is consistent throughout and at the end of the analysis (basically, guessing). Once you have the number of arguments, the return value can also be calculated as above.
If the function does not call itself, but is rather recursively called by another function, I think you would have to run the "guessing" algorithm but with guesses for each of the different subroutines in the recursion graph, which expands the number of possibilities exponentially with the number of functions in the loop. Although the analysis might be relatively expensive, I think it should still be quick enough for any scripts requiring recursion (I'd imagine that most scripts would have fairly small chains).
This should allow you to infer the arguments and return value of a subroutine without having to rely on other subroutines calling it. You could also implement this as a separate check and then compare the result of this to the analysis already implemented, and ensure they are the same as a sanity check.
I might implement this in my ncs2nss code as well, but my preference would be to rely on ncsdis (because there's no point in duplicating code and ncsdis is already most of the way there).
Please let me know if you have any thoughts on this. Thanks :)
As discussed privately with @DrMcCoy and on DeadlyStream, I have a potential solution to the recursion issue. Copy/pasting my algorithm below:
Hey so I've realized that this heuristic analysis [edit: this is referring to another algorithm I suggested, not the guessing one - I still suspect that might work] is not reliable enough to be used properly, but I came up with another solution which works every time. The problem is that the Skywing documentation is incorrect, and JSR does in fact work just like ACTION in that it modifies the stack pointer by popping off arguments. It doesn't push on a return value though (if there is one, space for that must have been allocated by the caller function before calling the callee). Perhaps what they mean is that the JSR does not do anything "intrinsically", but the function calling convention appears to be that functions pop their own arguments (which is more reasonable than making the caller do it every time; this is something I've actually taught before in computer science classes).
In any case, what you can do is the following (after constructing a call graph):
For each subroutine in the call-graph, iterating with DFS reverse post-order traversal:
- If the current subroutine is part of a cycle in the call graph:
1.a. Collect all the subroutines in the cycle
1.b. Trace both the final stack pointer and subroutine calls from every possible path from the start block of each subroutine to a block with no successors.
1.c. For each of these paths, we can form an entry in a system of simultaneous equations, where the final stack pointer is on the RHS and the subroutine calls are on the LHS. For example, if a path through subA calls subB 2 times and subC 2 times, and the final stack pointer is -8, our equation would be "0a + 4b + 2c = 8".
1.d. Solve this (potentially overdetermined) system of linear equations for a, b, c, ... which are the number of arguments for subroutines A, B, C, ... respectively. - Otherwise, compute the number of arguments as per usual for non-recursive functions. Can then also determine if there's a return value after finding the number of arguments.
One issue with this is the problem of vector/struct arguments. This method will tell you the size of the stack space which is popped from the stack after calling each subroutine; however, it does not tell you the structure of said space. However, this is easy to calculate once you know the number of arguments - when you call the function in another subroutine, you can use the state of the stack at that call to determine the types of the sub's arguments (including how much space they take up).
*** END QUOTE ***
To be clear, even though the linear system might be overdetermined, it should still have only one solution. One easy way to implement this is to use a linear algebra solver for overdetermined systems, and check the residual is zero (within a tolerance).
I've implemented this algorithm in my ncs2nss repo if you're interested. It doesn't work all the time, but I suspect this is due to either bugs in the rest of my code (there are still many) or compiler errors. I feel the latter can be resolved with a modification to the algorithm, but we can discuss that later.