
Distinct SSH keys don't work

Closed this issue · 8 comments

When creating repo specific keys in GitHub, and trying to specify them in the config file similar to the r10k structure - it doesn't work.


    remote: "git@github.com:example/example-repo"
      provider: 'rugged'
      private_key: '~/example/ssh_private_key'

I tried playing around with it with no success. Is there is a easy way to implement the above?

Can you provide your g10k command with the -debug parameter?

I could be simply that g10k does not resolve your home path ~, try using the absolute path.


root@pm1:/home/nclose# g10k -config test.yaml -debug
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG main(): Using as config file: test.yaml
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG readConfigfile(): Trying to read g10k config file: test.yaml
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as cachedir from g10k config test.yaml: /tmp/g10k
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as cachedir: /tmp/g10k
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as cachedir/forge: /tmp/g10k/forge
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as cachedir/modules: /tmp/g10k/modules
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as cachedir/environments: /tmp/g10k/environments
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG readConfigfile(): detected deploy configration hash, which takes precedence over the non-deploy scoped settings
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as cachedir configured value: /tmp/g10k
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as basedir for source sharepoint_guide: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG Puppet environment: sharepoint_guide ({Remote:git@github.com:Nclose-ZA/sharepoint_guide.git Basedir:/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules Prefix:true PrivateKey: ForceForgeVersions:false WarnMissingBranch:true ExitIfUnreachable:true AutoCorrectEnvironmentNames:correct_and_warn})
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG checkDirAndCreate(): Using as basedir: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules
2020/07/14 16:37:07 DEBUG executeCommand(): Executing git clone --mirror git@github.com:Nclose-ZA/sharepoint_guide.git /tmp/g10k/environments/sharepoint_guide.git
2020/07/14 16:37:10 Executing git clone --mirror git@github.com:Nclose-ZA/sharepoint_guide.git /tmp/g10k/environments/sharepoint_guide.git took 2.19205s
WARN: git repository git@github.com:Nclose-ZA/sharepoint_guide.git does not exist or is unreachable at this moment!
WARNING: Could not resolve git repository in source 'sharepoint_guide' (git@github.com:Nclose-ZA/sharepoint_guide.git)


:cachedir: '/tmp/g10k'
use_cache_fallback: false

  purge_levels: [ 'deployment', 'environment', 'puppetfile' ]
  purge_blacklist: [ '*.pyc' ]

    remote: 'git@github.com:Nclose-ZA/sharepoint_guide.git'
    basedir: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/'
    exit_if_unreachable: true
    warn_if_branch_is_missing: true
    prefix: true
      provider: 'rugged'
      private_key: '/etc/g10k/puppetmaster_ssh'
      - 'stage'
      - 'dev'

If I go and add that key to my ssh authentication agent, it will connect just fine and work.

Ah, I forgot:
I explicitly removed all authentication from github.com Puppet modules/git repositories:

You're the first one that uses private github.com repositories with g10k, congratulations! ;)

r10k does work with private github.com repositories just by addin the SSH key to the r10k config?

Ah, thanks @xorpaul :-)

My understanding that g10k is basically a fork of r10k and they "share" similar code functions. So why doesn't it work, like I specified in my example above? (I copied that syntax from the r10k documentation you linked in your readme).

Yes, I'm trying to keep the feature set equal between r10k and g10k, but it will never be 100%

So I was right, that your source github.com repository is a private one?

I'll try to add the ssh key then for the source github.com repository as I would for non github.com Puppet modules in the Puppetfile.

So I was right, that your source github.com repository is a private one? - Yes sir, it's private.


Please try out if the new version works for you as well:


I've managed to checkout my private test Github control repository with this.

Thanks @xorpaul.

I will try this and revert back!