Please can we have a way to set cell/range properties without changing the cell text
CharlesOkwuagwu opened this issue · 1 comments
CharlesOkwuagwu commented
Please can we have a way to set cell/range properties without changing the cell text.
|> Sheet.set_cell("A1", bold: true, color: "#ffffff", "Employee Data", bg_color: "#0070C0")
If the content of "A1" is already set, can we have for example:
|> Sheet.format_cell("A1", bold: true, color: "#ffffff", bg_color: "#0070C0")
neutronstein commented
Here is a workaround.
def format_cell(%Elixlsx.Sheet{} = sheet, cell, opts) when is_binary(cell) and is_list(opts) do
{content, applied_opts} = get_cell(sheet, cell)
Elixlsx.Sheet.set_cell(sheet, cell, content, Keyword.merge(applied_opts, opts))
def get_cell(%Elixlsx.Sheet{} = sheet, cell) do
{row, col} = Elixlsx.Util.from_excel_coords0(cell)
get_cell_content(sheet, row, col)
def get_cell(%Elixlsx.Sheet{} = sheet, row, col) do
case get_in(sheet.rows, [,]) do
nil -> {"", []}
[content | opts] -> {content, opts}
content -> {content, []}