
Extract logging from core

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Scope of Change

This RFC suggests extracting util.log into its own library.


Make release cycles independent.


  • Start by providing an overlay library
  • Add new features only there
  • Remove code from xp-framework/core

Security considerations


Speed impact

Smaller framework


Major release for removing the code

Related documents

RFC #298 - Path to XP7
RFC #296 - Further minimize the framework
RFC #293 - Extract unittests from core

1️⃣ https://github.com/xp-framework/logging created & released as 6.4.2 (the version from which it was split off!)

2️⃣ First feature to be only in xp-framework/logging and not in core: The %d token for dates in PatternLayout - see xp-framework/logging#1 & released as 6.4.3