
TeaVM run issue

4lfg24 opened this issue · 5 comments

I was running the teaVM run task on my newly generated gdx project with gdx-liftoff version (I didn't touch the files in the project whatsoever, leaving core untouched with a basic application adapter displaying a black screen), but in the browser i get this error in the javascript console: java.lang.RuntimeException: (JavaScript) ReferenceError: jl_NoClassDefFoundError__init_ is not defined (anonymous) @ app.js:473 app.js:21021 Uncaught ReferenceError: jl_NoClassDefFoundError__init_ is not defined at cgxgbt_TeaLauncher_getApplicationListener (app.js:12769:5) at cgxgbt_TeaLauncher_main (app.js:12749:28) at TeaVMThread.runner (app.js:595:15) at TeaVMThread.run (app.js:21037:23) at TeaVMThread.start (app.js:21024:10) at $rt_startThread (app.js:21070:31) at app.js:594:9 at onload ((index):8:96)
I think this is related to the following error I get in the project's console which says: | Compiler problems | ################################################################# | ERROR[0] | Class: - | Method: - | Text: There's no main class: 'com.alfredo.games.teavm.TeaVMLauncher'
I didn't notice anything weird other than this, thank you in advance for the help.

Hello, are you calling setMainClass method?

TeaVMTool tool = TeaBuilder.config(teaBuildConfiguration);

@xpenatan I'm using kotlin for my project, not java, here's the TeaVMBuilder object:

import java.io.File
import com.github.xpenatan.gdx.backends.teavm.TeaBuildConfiguration
import com.github.xpenatan.gdx.backends.teavm.TeaBuilder
import com.github.xpenatan.gdx.backends.teavm.plugins.TeaReflectionSupplier
import com.github.xpenatan.gdx.backends.web.gen.SkipClass

object TeaVMBuilder {
@JvmStatic fun main(arguments: Array) {
val teaBuildConfiguration = TeaBuildConfiguration().apply {
webappPath = File("build/dist").canonicalPath
obfuscate = true
val tool = TeaBuilder.config(teaBuildConfiguration)
tool.mainClass = "com.mygame.teavm.TeaVMLauncher"
And this is the TeaVMLauncher:


package com.mygame.teavm

import com.github.xpenatan.gdx.backends.teavm.TeaApplicationConfiguration
import com.github.xpenatan.gdx.backends.web.WebApplication

import com.mygame.MyGame

/** Launches the TeaVM/HTML application. */

fun main() {
val config = TeaApplicationConfiguration("canvas").apply {
width = 800
height = 600

Could the error be generated by the @file:JvmName("TeaVMLauncher") perhaps?

Also I tried what you suggested with a java project as well but I'm getting the same exact error, did I miss some setup process?

Kinda hard to know what could be wrong. gdx-liftoff teavm version is using b2 release. You can use liftoff snapshot which use the b3 version.

I generated kotlin template using gdx-liftoff snapshot and changed backend version to b4, please compare it with your project: https://github.com/xpenatan/gdx-teavm-kotlin-template

Thank you very much @xpenatan it works with your template, I think that the error in my project was that I didn't have this line: compileKotlin { compilerOptions.jvmTarget.set(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.JvmTarget.JVM_11) }
In my root build.gradle file, but to anyone planning to use teavm I suggest using your template.