
FATA Error during login: error getting version: non-ok status: 404

olegsidokhmetov opened this issue · 2 comments


When I use command nextcloud-exporter --login --server http://my_ip/

I get error

INFO nextcloud-exporter 0.4.0
INFO Starting interactive login on: http://my_ip/
**FATA Error during login: error getting version: non-ok status: 404**

Do not understand what is wrong :(

and also:

nextcloud-exporter --login --server https://name_of_server
INFO nextcloud-exporter 0.4.0
INFO Starting interactive login on: https://name_of_server
FATA Error during login: error getting version: error connecting: error connecting: Get "https://name_of_server/status.php": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

In the first case (404, not found) I'd say the configuration of your webserver does not map the IP to the vhost Nextcloud is running on and in the second case (timeout) it sounds like a network issue. What happens when you use, for example, curl to fetch the status.php?

In the first case (404, not found) I'd say the configuration of your webserver does not map the IP to the vhost Nextcloud is running on and in the second case (timeout) it sounds like a network issue. What happens when you use, for example, curl to fetch the status.php?

Thank you very much for your message. I already solved the problem