
Add terrainversion changes

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I want command like /sm:terrainversion <version>, it will changes the version what locate, block hightlight, ... use to simulate
/sm:source versioned <version> doesn't work

xpple commented

What does it say when you try /sm:source versioned <version> run sm:terrainversion?

I ran the command /sm:source versioned 1.19.3 run sm:terrainversion and it recorded a different version in the chat

xpple commented

/sm:terrainversion tries to determine the version the terrain was generated in by counting the amount of blocks that don't match the supposed terrain. To change what version is used for commands like /sm:locate you can do sm:source versioned <version> sm:locate ....

By the way, 1.19 terrain is not supported by SeedMapper, meaning that you will get incorrect results.