
Property height is not reactive

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It seems height is not synced when viewport resized.


Below is a screen capture when the window resized


I'm not sure why this should be in sync? This works like any HTML element. If you prefer to work with inline styles, then don't use the attributes.

I'm not sure why this should be in sync?

height is a reactive attribute that got passed along(from parent component to children).

From browser devtool, say,
height=10 at t0,
then click the button to change, say,
height=100 at t1,

You will see that , <canvas height={h1} .... style="...; height: {h2}" />

  1. Sometimes h1 change to 100 and then back to 10 in a blink (short time), hence height is NOT reactive
  2. Sometimes h1 did change to 100, which (h1=100) != (h2=10), then <canvas /> fails to display just like the screen capture above. If a resize happen after then, <canvas /> will display with h1=h2=100 appropriately

I suggest you open a ticket in the Chart.js repository. This issue does not apply to the chart.js wrapper.