Token File missing - Creating a new one
Closed this issue · 3 comments
ehallq commented
Even though I create a .mercedesme_token file with data from (copy/paste) from my pc where I ran the python script to get the token. I get this error (Token File missing - Creating a new one) followed by "Error creating token" when restarting home assistant. I also have the .mercedesme_config file with client id etc
derekoharrow commented
Have you placed the file in the home assistant config directory (where you're configuration.yaml is)?
ehallq commented
Thanks that helped. Your readme says hacs folder, and I though that was the mercedesmeapi folder that hacs created
Please use the other script to retrieve the first token and copy it into hacs folder (.mercedesme_token)
xraver commented
I have to change the readme to make it more clear.