
Read in of spec like files as text files

Closed this issue · 16 comments

I have seen, that it is not possible to read in multiple spec-files with single scans. Before it was possible to read in stripped spec files as text files (it didn't detected them as spec files). Then it was possible to read multiple of them in, which I need to do with XAS viewer.
Is there a way to force the text read-in?

#F /home/xasuser/userdata/Mangold/Ma_week14_20/Pb_NO3_2_M15M7_EXR_s1r1
#E 1585662988
#D Tue Mar 31 15:56:28 2020
#C optics User = xasuser

#O0 Slit1Lft Slit1Rgt Slit1Top Slit1Btm Slit1HGap Slit1HOff Slit1VGap Slit1VOff
#O1 Slit2Top Slit2Btm Slit2VGap Slit2VOff Slit3Lft Slit3Rgt Slit3Top Slit3Btm
#O2 Slit3HGap Slit3HOff Slit3VGap Slit3VOff DCM_Bragg DCM_perp DCM_para Energy
#O3 MirrUp MirrDnRgt MirrDnLft MirrHeight MirrPitch MirrRoll M3Down M3UpRgt
#O4 M3UpLft M3Height M3Pitch M3Roll X_Fluo GIZ GITH2 GITH3
#O5 GIPHI GI_SL2VO GI_SL3VO PicoPitch_NF PicoRoll_NF sample_y sample_z sample_rot
#O6 Sample-Angle Queensgate_1 Queensgate_2 Newp_z Newp_x Cryostat GIX Z-HCryo
#O7 Y-HCryo lowEnergyZ lowEnergyR HL-M3Dwn HL-M3URgt HL-M3ULft HL-M3SDwn HL-M3SUp
#O8 DCMJ1 DCMJ2 DCMJ3 DCM_TR DCMHgt Opfocus Oprot Motor 71
#O9 RefH Imon_z GIY OptRot OptFocus Hex_Y Hex_X Hex_Z
#O10 Hex_U Hex_V Hex_W Motor 83 HM3hgt HM3roll HM3ptch HM3yur
#O11 HM3yd HM3xd HM3yaw HM3x HM3y Fluo_x Fluo_Y1 Fluo_Y2
#O12 Fluo_Y3 Fluo_Y HexCx HexCy HexCz HexCpth HexCrol HexCyaw
#O13 Hexg_XY Hex_RX Hex_RY Hex_RZ Hex_Rot
#o0 sl1l sl1r sl1t sl1b sl1hg sl1ho sl1vg sl1vo
#o1 sl2t sl2b sl2vg sl2vo sl3l sl3r sl3t sl3b
#o2 sl3hg sl3ho sl3vg sl3vo mono mon_y mon_z E
#o3 mru mrdr mrdl mrhgt mrptch mrroll m3d m3ur
#o4 m3ul m3hgt m3ptch m3roll x_fluo giz gith2 gith3
#o5 giphi slit2vo slit3vo mon_pp mon_pr sa_y sa_z sa_rot
#o6 sa_arot qg1 qg2 newp_z newp_x cryo gix z_hcryo
#o7 y_hcryo le_z le_rot hm3d hm3ur hm3ul ht_ta2 ht_tp1
#o8 dcmj1 dcmj2 dcmj3 dcm_tr dcmhgt opfocus oprot m71
#o9 ref_h imon_z giy optrot optfoc hex_y hex_x hex_z
#o10 hex_u hex_v hex_w m83 hm3hgt hm3roll hm3ptch hm3yur
#o11 hm3yd hm3xd hm3yaw hm3x hm3y fluo_x fluo_y1 fluo_y2
#o12 fluo_y3 fluo_y hexcx hexcy hexcz hexcpth hexcrol hexcyaw
#o13 pxy hex_rx hex_ry hex_rz hex_rot
#J0 Seconds Ioni1 Ioni2 Ioni3 FluoW_1 FluoW_2 FluoW_3 FluoW_4
#J1 FluoW_5 ICR_1 ICR_2 ICR_3 ICR_4 ICR_5 OCR_1 OCR_2
#J3 FLUO Monitor Absorption Reference e_Current Time_ mono_angle Voltage_in
#J4 Voltage_out Ref_abl Cryostat GIX_Val C_mon_y C_mon_z Pd_1
#j0 sec ion1 ion2 ion3 fluow_1 fluow_2 fluow_3 fluow_4
#j1 fluow_5 icr_1 icr_2 icr_3 icr_4 icr_5 ocr_1 ocr_2
#j2 ocr_3 ocr_4 ocr_5 dead_1 dead_2 dead_3 dead_4 dead_5
#j3 fluo mon abs ref ecurr tme mangle voltin
#j4 voltout ref_abl cryot gix_val c_mon_y c_mon_z pd_1

#S 1 akscan E 13.035 1
#D Tue Mar 31 15:57:35 2020
#T 1 (Seconds)
#G0 0
#G1 0
#G3 0
#G4 0
#H1 8 8 8
#H2 90783.1 93162.4 49879.7
#H3a 500
#H3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#H4 2 -150 5 1 -50 2 1
#H5 -20 20 0.5 1
#H6 1 14.5 0.05 0.65 0.5
#P0 17.41 -7.41 5.5987495 -4.3987505 10 -12.41 1.2 4.99875
#P1 -12.866875 13.866871 1 -13.3675 -9.4999987 10.500001 15.362027 -14.362031
#P2 1 10 1 14.8621 8.834641 15.500515 97.754056 12.885
#P3 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 0 0 -44.051681 45.859634
#P4 -43.934847 -21.545 37.52 -117.495 75 12 0 0
#P5 -30 60 60 -1070.937 -54.319 30 24 2
#P6 -45 0 0 -10 0 0 0 4.5
#P7 -5e-06 123 0 -1.2924564 -0.90852884 -1.537522 0.2 3
#P8 1.55 1.55 1.55 55 1.55 139.7185 22.6305 0
#P9 5 -1 25 -0.45 -0.50037509 -15.000625 0 -7
#P10 0 0 0 19 -1.2555 -0.786 -0.0435 3.68063
#P11 3.686875 101.27312 -0.004 101.273 3.6835 40 430 430
#P12 430 430 1 -1 0 0 0 0
#P13 -1.414 0 -15 -7 0
#N 12
#L Energy Ioni1 Ioni2 Ioni3 FLUO Absorption Reference e_Current ioni1_paf ioni2_pbf ioni2_paf ioni3_pbf
12.885 1.52824e+07 1.95494e+07 8.23393e+06 965 -0.245079 0.863399 117.62 1.80935e+12 2.01613e+12 1.94685e+12 8.50256e+11
12.89 1.52841e+07 1.95735e+07 8.25561e+06 1082 -0.246192 0.86201 117.619 1.81119e+12 2.02036e+12 1.951e+12 8.53222e+11
12.895 1.52762e+07 1.95767e+07 8.27205e+06 1140 -0.246865 0.860195 117.617 1.8119e+12 2.02244e+12 1.95309e+12 8.55653e+11
12.9 1.5285e+07 1.96102e+07 8.29808e+06 1166 -0.247997 0.858774 117.616 1.81457e+12 2.02764e+12 1.95819e+12 8.59074e+11
12.905 1.52772e+07 1.96194e+07 8.31508e+06 1276 -0.248975 0.857208 117.614 1.81529e+12 2.03035e+12 1.96088e+12 8.6157e+11
12.91 1.52791e+07 1.96405e+07 8.33681e+06 1382 -0.249917 0.855684 117.613 1.81716e+12 2.03429e+12 1.96475e+12 8.64558e+11
12.915 1.52782e+07 1.96615e+07 8.35926e+06 1496 -0.25104 0.85407 117.611 1.81869e+12 2.03822e+12 1.96862e+12 8.67624e+11
12.92 1.5273e+07 1.96723e+07 8.37672e+06 1606 -0.251924 0.852546 117.609 1.81972e+12 2.0411e+12 1.97148e+12 8.70178e+11
12.925 1.52718e+07 1.96901e+07 8.39672e+06 1703 -0.252903 0.851076 117.608 1.82121e+12 2.04471e+12 1.97504e+12 8.72999e+11
12.93 1.5281e+07 1.97209e+07 8.42262e+06 1916 -0.253858 0.849566 117.607 1.82395e+12 2.04966e+12 1.9799e+12 8.76435e+11
12.935 1.52776e+07 1.97334e+07 8.4403e+06 2062 -0.254715 0.848116 117.607 1.82519e+12 2.05273e+12 1.98294e+12 8.79024e+11
12.94 1.52819e+07 1.97543e+07 8.46348e+06 2173 -0.255484 0.846441 117.603 1.82734e+12 2.05667e+12 1.98682e+12 8.82187e+11
12.945 1.52799e+07 1.97716e+07 8.48233e+06 2461 -0.25649 0.845101 117.6 1.82875e+12 2.06025e+12 1.99035e+12 8.84905e+11
12.95 1.52744e+07 1.97814e+07 8.49867e+06 2697 -0.257338 0.843681 117.6 1.82974e+12 2.06305e+12 1.99312e+12 8.87366e+11
12.955 1.52819e+07 1.9809e+07 8.52274e+06 2906 -0.258235 0.842258 117.599 1.83228e+12 2.0677e+12 1.99769e+12 8.90634e+11
12.96 1.52805e+07 1.9822e+07 8.539e+06 3166 -0.258985 0.841017 117.596 1.83376e+12 2.07084e+12 2.0008e+12 8.93095e+11
12.965 1.52785e+07 1.98352e+07 8.55545e+06 3439 -0.259776 0.839765 117.594 1.83518e+12 2.074e+12 2.00393e+12 8.95578e+11
12.97 1.52765e+07 1.98483e+07 8.56941e+06 3865 -0.260558 0.838798 117.592 1.83659e+12 2.07715e+12 2.00705e+12 8.97806e+11
12.975 1.52767e+07 1.98591e+07 8.58463e+06 4281 -0.261089 0.837578 117.592 1.83826e+12 2.08007e+12 2.00995e+12 9.00168e+11
12.98 1.52787e+07 1.98746e+07 8.59906e+06 4703 -0.261732 0.836682 117.59 1.84015e+12 2.08349e+12 2.01332e+12 9.0245e+11
12.985 1.5275e+07 1.98798e+07 8.6074e+06 5292 -0.26224 0.835981 117.589 1.84136e+12 2.08583e+12 2.01565e+12 9.041e+11
12.987 1.5279e+07 1.9891e+07 8.6138e+06 5479 -0.262538 0.835804 117.587 1.8425e+12 2.08772e+12 2.01751e+12 9.0508e+11
12.989 1.52753e+07 1.98876e+07 8.61418e+06 5933 -0.262604 0.835587 117.585 1.84272e+12 2.08808e+12 2.01789e+12 9.05432e+11
12.991 1.52715e+07 1.98824e+07 8.61413e+06 6019 -0.2626 0.835336 117.584 1.84292e+12 2.08826e+12 2.01809e+12 9.05739e+11
12.993 1.52789e+07 1.98959e+07 8.62081e+06 6356 -0.262788 0.835239 117.582 1.84447e+12 2.09039e+12 2.02018e+12 9.0675e+11
12.995 1.52644e+07 1.9876e+07 8.61264e+06 6791 -0.262735 0.835187 117.58 1.84339e+12 2.08903e+12 2.0189e+12 9.06208e+11
12.997 1.52745e+07 1.98892e+07 8.61864e+06 7241 -0.26274 0.835152 117.579 1.84527e+12 2.09113e+12 2.02096e+12 9.07148e+11
12.999 1.52756e+07 1.98917e+07 8.61893e+06 7786 -0.262792 0.835246 117.577 1.84606e+12 2.09211e+12 2.02194e+12 9.07491e+11
13.001 1.5274e+07 1.98881e+07 8.61441e+06 8001 -0.262715 0.835587 117.576 1.84653e+12 2.09246e+12 2.0223e+12 9.07331e+11
13.003 1.52687e+07 1.98765e+07 8.60577e+06 8517 -0.262481 0.836006 117.573 1.84655e+12 2.09196e+12 2.02185e+12 9.06738e+11
13.005 1.52763e+07 1.98824e+07 8.60494e+06 9132 -0.262278 0.836393 117.572 1.84813e+12 2.0933e+12 2.02317e+12 9.06964e+11
13.007 1.5268e+07 1.98686e+07 8.59342e+06 9732 -0.262131 0.837035 117.569 1.84779e+12 2.09258e+12 2.0225e+12 9.06068e+11
13.009 1.52716e+07 1.98668e+07 8.5848e+06 10466 -0.261807 0.837943 117.568 1.84889e+12 2.09311e+12 2.02305e+12 9.05477e+11
13.011 1.52796e+07 1.98658e+07 8.5739e+06 11189 -0.261233 0.839156 117.567 1.85051e+12 2.09372e+12 2.02367e+12 9.04645e+11
13.013 1.52721e+07 1.9843e+07 8.55346e+06 12182 -0.26058 0.840384 117.565 1.85027e+12 2.09205e+12 2.02208e+12 9.02811e+11
13.015 1.52696e+07 1.98236e+07 8.52939e+06 13279 -0.25977 0.842216 117.563 1.85064e+12 2.09074e+12 2.02084e+12 9.00596e+11
13.0155 1.52741e+07 1.98229e+07 8.52493e+06 13656 -0.259439 0.842697 117.561 1.85134e+12 2.09084e+12 2.02095e+12 9.00205e+11
13.016 1.52729e+07 1.98136e+07 8.51456e+06 13951 -0.259054 0.843443 117.56 1.85136e+12 2.09005e+12 2.02019e+12 8.99194e+11
13.0165 1.52706e+07 1.98092e+07 8.50693e+06 14212 -0.258988 0.844115 117.558 1.85125e+12 2.08976e+12 2.01992e+12 8.9847e+11
13.017 1.52681e+07 1.97991e+07 8.49793e+06 14568 -0.258633 0.844656 117.556 1.85112e+12 2.08888e+12 2.01908e+12 8.97602e+11
13.0175 1.52759e+07 1.98019e+07 8.49102e+06 14929 -0.25827 0.845607 117.553 1.85222e+12 2.08936e+12 2.01955e+12 8.96954e+11
13.018 1.52719e+07 1.97881e+07 8.48035e+06 15169 -0.257839 0.846166 117.552 1.85191e+12 2.08809e+12 2.01833e+12 8.9591e+11
13.0185 1.52673e+07 1.9775e+07 8.46888e+06 15548 -0.25748 0.846851 117.55 1.85152e+12 2.08689e+12 2.01718e+12 8.94782e+11
13.019 1.52667e+07 1.97695e+07 8.4586e+06 16002 -0.257241 0.847778 117.548 1.85161e+12 2.08649e+12 2.0168e+12 8.93779e+11
13.0195 1.52722e+07 1.97704e+07 8.44912e+06 16521 -0.256928 0.848941 117.547 1.85244e+12 2.08677e+12 2.01707e+12 8.9286e+11
13.02 1.52695e+07 1.97571e+07 8.43758e+06 16762 -0.256433 0.849628 117.545 1.85228e+12 2.08555e+12 2.0159e+12 8.91725e+11
13.0205 1.52677e+07 1.97477e+07 8.42407e+06 17152 -0.256074 0.850747 117.543 1.85223e+12 2.08474e+12 2.01513e+12 8.90382e+11
13.021 1.5268e+07 1.97382e+07 8.41058e+06 17656 -0.255577 0.851865 117.541 1.85243e+12 2.08392e+12 2.01434e+12 8.89041e+11
13.0215 1.52735e+07 1.97343e+07 8.39875e+06 18038 -0.255024 0.853063 117.54 1.85326e+12 2.08369e+12 2.01413e+12 8.87874e+11
13.022 1.52679e+07 1.97146e+07 8.37915e+06 18601 -0.254391 0.854393 117.539 1.85275e+12 2.0818e+12 2.01231e+12 8.85891e+11
13.0225 1.52728e+07 1.97107e+07 8.36597e+06 19179 -0.253881 0.855763 117.536 1.85351e+12 2.08157e+12 2.01209e+12 8.84582e+11
13.023 1.52672e+07 1.96928e+07 8.34352e+06 19801 -0.253339 0.857529 117.534 1.853e+12 2.07987e+12 2.01045e+12 8.82298e+11
13.0235 1.52698e+07 1.96828e+07 8.3214e+06 20338 -0.252662 0.859661 117.532 1.85348e+12 2.07899e+12 2.00962e+12 8.80048e+11
13.024 1.52659e+07 1.96595e+07 8.29359e+06 21080 -0.251738 0.861809 117.529 1.85317e+12 2.07672e+12 2.00743e+12 8.772e+11
13.0245 1.52691e+07 1.96482e+07 8.27187e+06 21474 -0.250954 0.863846 117.528 1.85372e+12 2.07571e+12 2.00646e+12 8.74992e+11
13.025 1.52661e+07 1.96295e+07 8.24027e+06 22448 -0.250202 0.866701 117.527 1.85353e+12 2.07392e+12 2.00474e+12 8.71744e+11
13.0255 1.52687e+07 1.96121e+07 8.21132e+06 23168 -0.249152 0.869318 117.526 1.85401e+12 2.07227e+12 2.00315e+12 8.68775e+11
13.026 1.52635e+07 1.95891e+07 8.17578e+06 24199 -0.248322 0.872461 117.523 1.85355e+12 2.07003e+12 2.00099e+12 8.65111e+11
13.0265 1.52664e+07 1.95732e+07 8.14681e+06 24715 -0.247331 0.875183 117.522 1.85406e+12 2.06854e+12 1.99955e+12 8.62139e+11
13.027 1.52712e+07 1.95582e+07 8.11155e+06 25548 -0.246252 0.87873 117.52 1.85481e+12 2.06714e+12 1.99821e+12 8.58504e+11
13.0275 1.52709e+07 1.95349e+07 8.06742e+06 26421 -0.245082 0.882963 117.518 1.85494e+12 2.06486e+12 1.99602e+12 8.53935e+11
13.028 1.52611e+07 1.94965e+07 8.01219e+06 27659 -0.243767 0.887835 117.518 1.85392e+12 2.061e+12 1.99229e+12 8.48198e+11
13.0285 1.52648e+07 1.94806e+07 7.97261e+06 28714 -0.242715 0.891946 117.515 1.85453e+12 2.05951e+12 1.99085e+12 8.44106e+11
13.029 1.52688e+07 1.9454e+07 7.9102e+06 30056 -0.241092 0.898393 117.513 1.85518e+12 2.05688e+12 1.98832e+12 8.37612e+11
13.0295 1.5268e+07 1.94175e+07 7.83703e+06 31014 -0.239276 0.905757 117.511 1.85525e+12 2.05322e+12 1.98479e+12 8.29984e+11
13.03 1.5262e+07 1.93733e+07 7.75219e+06 32763 -0.237398 0.914305 117.51 1.85469e+12 2.04874e+12 1.98047e+12 8.21126e+11
13.0305 1.52631e+07 1.93362e+07 7.6745e+06 34088 -0.235419 0.922405 117.507 1.85499e+12 2.04502e+12 1.97687e+12 8.1302e+11
13.031 1.5262e+07 1.92857e+07 7.56689e+06 36459 -0.232884 0.933831 117.506 1.85502e+12 2.03988e+12 1.97191e+12 8.01762e+11
13.0315 1.52653e+07 1.92396e+07 7.4633e+06 38011 -0.230289 0.945146 117.504 1.85559e+12 2.0352e+12 1.9674e+12 7.90926e+11
13.032 1.52643e+07 1.91765e+07 7.34048e+06 40459 -0.227084 0.958357 117.503 1.85563e+12 2.02873e+12 1.96115e+12 7.78063e+11
13.0325 1.52654e+07 1.91168e+07 7.22226e+06 42764 -0.223908 0.97138 117.501 1.85593e+12 2.02262e+12 1.95525e+12 7.65683e+11
13.033 1.52606e+07 1.90427e+07 7.09581e+06 45093 -0.220361 0.985058 117.499 1.85552e+12 2.01499e+12 1.94788e+12 7.52434e+11
13.0335 1.52535e+07 1.896e+07 6.95845e+06 47937 -0.21649 1.00013 117.497 1.85482e+12 2.00645e+12 1.93964e+12 7.38033e+11
13.034 1.52594e+07 1.88943e+07 6.83898e+06 51111 -0.212653 1.01387 117.495 1.8557e+12 1.99971e+12 1.93312e+12 7.25514e+11
13.0345 1.52678e+07 1.8832e+07 6.72452e+06 54007 -0.208817 1.02734 117.494 1.85688e+12 1.99332e+12 1.92695e+12 7.13521e+11
13.035 1.52601e+07 1.87167e+07 6.55906e+06 58113 -0.20321 1.04596 117.492 1.85612e+12 1.98134e+12 1.91538e+12 6.96154e+11
13.0355 1.52639e+07 1.86216e+07 6.41857e+06 61258 -0.197894 1.06238 117.49 1.85674e+12 1.9715e+12 1.90587e+12 6.81414e+11
13.036 1.52624e+07 1.84944e+07 6.2479e+06 66521 -0.191167 1.0823 117.488 1.85673e+12 1.95826e+12 1.89309e+12 6.63492e+11
13.0365 1.52634e+07 1.83785e+07 6.09964e+06 70833 -0.184851 1.09986 117.487 1.85702e+12 1.94622e+12 1.88145e+12 6.47928e+11
13.037 1.52611e+07 1.82263e+07 5.92126e+06 75572 -0.176729 1.12103 117.486 1.8569e+12 1.93035e+12 1.86612e+12 6.29187e+11
13.0375 1.52601e+07 1.80564e+07 5.73465e+06 81959 -0.167475 1.14346 117.484 1.85695e+12 1.91261e+12 1.84897e+12 6.09576e+11
13.038 1.5261e+07 1.78562e+07 5.53114e+06 89962 -0.156321 1.16818 117.482 1.85722e+12 1.89168e+12 1.82874e+12 5.88181e+11
13.0385 1.52637e+07 1.76625e+07 5.34811e+06 96733 -0.145301 1.19068 117.482 1.85772e+12 1.87142e+12 1.80917e+12 5.6894e+11
13.039 1.52715e+07 1.74191e+07 5.13444e+06 106025 -0.130993 1.21727 117.48 1.85883e+12 1.84593e+12 1.78453e+12 5.46467e+11
13.0395 1.52626e+07 1.71369e+07 4.91601e+06 115734 -0.115321 1.24407 117.478 1.85792e+12 1.81634e+12 1.75593e+12 5.23487e+11
13.04 1.52616e+07 1.68129e+07 4.68342e+06 127366 -0.0964043 1.27305 117.476 1.85796e+12 1.78234e+12 1.72307e+12 4.99011e+11
13.0405 1.52601e+07 1.65875e+07 4.53146e+06 135808 -0.0830759 1.29226 117.475 1.85794e+12 1.75873e+12 1.70024e+12 4.83032e+11
13.041 1.52609e+07 1.62566e+07 4.32225e+06 146831 -0.062984 1.31896 117.473 1.85821e+12 1.72398e+12 1.66667e+12 4.61014e+11
13.0415 1.52673e+07 1.59443e+07 4.13299e+06 158142 -0.0432917 1.34394 117.472 1.85915e+12 1.6912e+12 1.63498e+12 4.41096e+11
13.042 1.52526e+07 1.56812e+07 3.9917e+06 167014 -0.0277027 1.36175 117.469 1.85753e+12 1.6636e+12 1.6083e+12 4.26233e+11
13.0425 1.52664e+07 1.5317e+07 3.79437e+06 180605 -0.00344541 1.38845 117.467 1.85937e+12 1.62533e+12 1.57131e+12 4.05457e+11
13.043 1.52652e+07 1.49542e+07 3.61518e+06 192515 0.0203007 1.41236 117.467 1.85939e+12 1.5872e+12 1.53445e+12 3.86591e+11
13.0435 1.52579e+07 1.45903e+07 3.44611e+06 205318 0.044303 1.43511 117.464 1.85867e+12 1.54895e+12 1.49748e+12 3.68789e+11
13.044 1.52654e+07 1.4315e+07 3.3225e+06 215181 0.0637153 1.45218 117.462 1.85975e+12 1.52004e+12 1.46953e+12 3.5578e+11
13.0445 1.52556e+07 1.39505e+07 3.1718e+06 227313 0.088704 1.47227 117.461 1.85873e+12 1.48171e+12 1.43248e+12 3.3991e+11
13.045 1.52621e+07 1.35804e+07 3.0222e+06 240595 0.115838 1.49311 117.458 1.85968e+12 1.44279e+12 1.39486e+12 3.24154e+11
13.0455 1.52576e+07 1.32779e+07 2.90816e+06 249134 0.137918 1.50857 117.457 1.8593e+12 1.41099e+12 1.36412e+12 3.12148e+11
13.046 1.52623e+07 1.30104e+07 2.81074e+06 258256 0.158432 1.52185 117.456 1.86004e+12 1.38288e+12 1.33695e+12 3.01894e+11
13.0465 1.52591e+07 1.27419e+07 2.71723e+06 267660 0.178922 1.53438 117.454 1.85982e+12 1.35466e+12 1.30967e+12 2.9205e+11
13.047 1.526e+07 1.25212e+07 2.64296e+06 274502 0.196328 1.54424 117.452 1.86009e+12 1.33148e+12 1.28727e+12 2.84236e+11
13.0475 1.52511e+07 1.23347e+07 2.58347e+06 280604 0.210643 1.55168 117.45 1.85918e+12 1.31191e+12 1.26835e+12 2.77981e+11
13.048 1.52631e+07 1.22314e+07 2.55006e+06 283925 0.21977 1.55611 117.449 1.8608e+12 1.30112e+12 1.25792e+12 2.74477e+11
13.0485 1.52572e+07 1.21283e+07 2.51782e+06 287035 0.227792 1.56018 117.448 1.86025e+12 1.29034e+12 1.24751e+12 2.71097e+11
13.049 1.52608e+07 1.20606e+07 2.49732e+06 290385 0.233576 1.56265 117.446 1.86085e+12 1.2833e+12 1.24071e+12 2.68956e+11
13.0495 1.5256e+07 1.20206e+07 2.48439e+06 290642 0.236561 1.56444 117.444 1.86044e+12 1.27919e+12 1.23674e+12 2.67613e+11
13.05 1.52584e+07 1.20016e+07 2.4777e+06 291569 0.238286 1.56552 117.442 1.86089e+12 1.27729e+12 1.23491e+12 2.6693e+11
13.0505 1.52513e+07 1.19996e+07 2.47518e+06 290293 0.237995 1.56634 117.44 1.8602e+12 1.27719e+12 1.23481e+12 2.66687e+11
13.051 1.52529e+07 1.20279e+07 2.47907e+06 290676 0.235759 1.56714 117.439 1.86056e+12 1.28029e+12 1.23781e+12 2.6712e+11
13.0515 1.52578e+07 1.20721e+07 2.48598e+06 289812 0.232436 1.56806 117.437 1.86132e+12 1.28507e+12 1.24244e+12 2.67873e+11
13.052 1.52603e+07 1.21266e+07 2.49533e+06 287166 0.228127 1.56885 117.435 1.86179e+12 1.29094e+12 1.24812e+12 2.68884e+11
13.0525 1.5258e+07 1.21953e+07 2.50435e+06 285050 0.222374 1.57092 117.434 1.86168e+12 1.29831e+12 1.25525e+12 2.6986e+11
13.053 1.52624e+07 1.22762e+07 2.51594e+06 282054 0.216093 1.57295 117.433 1.86238e+12 1.30697e+12 1.26362e+12 2.71108e+11
13.0535 1.52561e+07 1.23482e+07 2.52364e+06 277991 0.209881 1.57576 117.431 1.86178e+12 1.31469e+12 1.27109e+12 2.71945e+11
13.054 1.52556e+07 1.24351e+07 2.53057e+06 275625 0.202892 1.58003 117.43 1.86188e+12 1.32398e+12 1.28008e+12 2.727e+11
13.0545 1.52539e+07 1.25206e+07 2.53463e+06 273485 0.195975 1.58526 117.428 1.86184e+12 1.33313e+12 1.28893e+12 2.73153e+11
13.055 1.52522e+07 1.25845e+07 2.53735e+06 269206 0.190818 1.58925 117.427 1.8618e+12 1.34e+12 1.29558e+12 2.73464e+11
13.0559 1.5176e+07 1.26465e+07 2.52492e+06 264564 0.180966 1.59902 117.425 1.85279e+12 1.34671e+12 1.30207e+12 2.72164e+11
13.0568 1.53392e+07 1.28893e+07 2.54626e+06 263693 0.17271 1.60951 117.422 1.87302e+12 1.37268e+12 1.3272e+12 2.74518e+11
13.0577 1.54915e+07 1.31284e+07 2.56313e+06 264217 0.164269 1.62116 117.42 1.89192e+12 1.39829e+12 1.35196e+12 2.76399e+11
13.0586 1.56517e+07 1.33464e+07 2.5795e+06 263492 0.158124 1.63114 117.418 1.91179e+12 1.42166e+12 1.37457e+12 2.78228e+11
13.0596 1.5806e+07 1.35532e+07 2.5944e+06 262485 0.152602 1.64064 117.418 1.93099e+12 1.44388e+12 1.39606e+12 2.79906e+11
13.0606 1.59654e+07 1.37451e+07 2.61197e+06 264170 0.148606 1.64786 117.416 1.9508e+12 1.46454e+12 1.41604e+12 2.81866e+11
13.0616 1.61136e+07 1.39032e+07 2.63249e+06 264725 0.146427 1.65142 117.414 1.96927e+12 1.48161e+12 1.43256e+12 2.8414e+11
13.0626 1.62665e+07 1.40372e+07 2.65757e+06 268039 0.146281 1.65153 117.413 1.98831e+12 1.49614e+12 1.44662e+12 2.86895e+11
13.0636 1.6414e+07 1.41374e+07 2.68208e+06 272329 0.148177 1.64948 117.411 2.0067e+12 1.50711e+12 1.45724e+12 2.8959e+11
13.0647 1.65661e+07 1.42222e+07 2.70813e+06 274860 0.151396 1.64583 117.408 2.02569e+12 1.51647e+12 1.4663e+12 2.92455e+11
13.0657 1.67142e+07 1.42725e+07 2.73046e+06 280359 0.15673 1.64118 117.407 2.04416e+12 1.52215e+12 1.4718e+12 2.9492e+11
13.0668 1.68598e+07 1.43111e+07 2.74917e+06 286359 0.162651 1.63705 117.405 2.06237e+12 1.52662e+12 1.47614e+12 2.97008e+11
13.0679 1.7003e+07 1.43238e+07 2.76127e+06 292457 0.170173 1.63352 117.403 2.0803e+12 1.52835e+12 1.47782e+12 2.98397e+11
13.0691 1.71436e+07 1.43056e+07 2.76503e+06 299836 0.179618 1.63082 117.401 2.09796e+12 1.52682e+12 1.47636e+12 2.98907e+11
13.0702 1.72892e+07 1.43214e+07 2.77104e+06 305524 0.186915 1.62968 117.399 2.11618e+12 1.52888e+12 1.47836e+12 2.99649e+11
13.0714 1.74319e+07 1.43346e+07 2.7754e+06 311707 0.194159 1.62895 117.397 2.13411e+12 1.53069e+12 1.48012e+12 3.00222e+11
13.0726 1.75722e+07 1.43596e+07 2.77962e+06 317541 0.200387 1.62908 117.395 2.15174e+12 1.53374e+12 1.48308e+12 3.0078e+11
13.0738 1.77079e+07 1.43799e+07 2.78247e+06 323207 0.206616 1.62939 117.394 2.16882e+12 1.5363e+12 1.48557e+12 3.01192e+11
13.075 1.78484e+07 1.44385e+07 2.79144e+06 329375 0.210427 1.63017 117.392 2.18649e+12 1.54292e+12 1.49198e+12 3.02253e+11
13.0763 1.79779e+07 1.45024e+07 2.80015e+06 331928 0.213219 1.6314 117.391 2.20288e+12 1.55014e+12 1.49898e+12 3.03292e+11
13.0775 1.81272e+07 1.46135e+07 2.81518e+06 335813 0.213861 1.63363 117.387 2.22164e+12 1.56233e+12 1.51078e+12 3.04997e+11
13.0788 1.82584e+07 1.47351e+07 2.82977e+06 338366 0.21279 1.63669 117.387 2.23824e+12 1.57567e+12 1.52369e+12 3.0666e+11
13.0801 1.83872e+07 1.48687e+07 2.84478e+06 339051 0.210805 1.64038 117.385 2.25456e+12 1.59029e+12 1.53784e+12 3.08368e+11
13.0814 1.85209e+07 1.50195e+07 2.86043e+06 339001 0.207977 1.64493 117.384 2.27148e+12 1.60675e+12 1.55378e+12 3.10144e+11
13.0828 1.86571e+07 1.51789e+07 2.87748e+06 339954 0.204777 1.64949 117.38 2.28875e+12 1.62415e+12 1.57062e+12 3.12076e+11
13.0841 1.87847e+07 1.5325e+07 2.89324e+06 341287 0.202029 1.65356 117.379 2.30493e+12 1.64011e+12 1.58607e+12 3.13865e+11
13.0855 1.8911e+07 1.54601e+07 2.91171e+06 342819 0.199968 1.65595 117.378 2.32101e+12 1.65494e+12 1.60043e+12 3.15948e+11
13.0869 1.90484e+07 1.55949e+07 2.93573e+06 344873 0.198547 1.65642 117.376 2.33846e+12 1.66974e+12 1.61476e+12 3.18621e+11
13.0883 1.91765e+07 1.57176e+07 2.9613e+06 346312 0.197413 1.65562 117.374 2.35476e+12 1.68327e+12 1.62786e+12 3.2146e+11
13.0898 1.93008e+07 1.58359e+07 2.99124e+06 348961 0.196384 1.65312 117.371 2.37066e+12 1.69637e+12 1.64054e+12 3.24771e+11
13.0912 1.94203e+07 1.59537e+07 3.02446e+06 350563 0.195155 1.64958 117.369 2.38595e+12 1.70939e+12 1.65315e+12 3.28427e+11
13.0927 1.95459e+07 1.60828e+07 3.05961e+06 352838 0.19355 1.64618 117.368 2.40201e+12 1.72365e+12 1.66696e+12 3.32294e+11
13.0942 1.96822e+07 1.62251e+07 3.09662e+06 353630 0.191709 1.64306 117.365 2.41941e+12 1.73931e+12 1.68212e+12 3.36361e+11
13.0957 1.97924e+07 1.63542e+07 3.13054e+06 352870 0.189379 1.64017 117.364 2.43361e+12 1.75358e+12 1.69594e+12 3.40102e+11
13.0972 1.99206e+07 1.65076e+07 3.16915e+06 354418 0.18652 1.63735 117.361 2.45002e+12 1.77043e+12 1.71226e+12 3.44342e+11
13.0988 2.00412e+07 1.66534e+07 3.20608e+06 354369 0.183786 1.63465 117.359 2.46556e+12 1.78653e+12 1.72785e+12 3.48412e+11
13.1003 2.0159e+07 1.67915e+07 3.23852e+06 356323 0.181406 1.6329 117.357 2.48071e+12 1.80177e+12 1.74261e+12 3.51999e+11
13.1019 2.029e+07 1.69357e+07 3.27108e+06 357045 0.179343 1.63151 117.355 2.49754e+12 1.81772e+12 1.75805e+12 3.55608e+11
13.1035 2.04041e+07 1.7056e+07 3.29718e+06 359411 0.177888 1.63067 117.354 2.5123e+12 1.83111e+12 1.77102e+12 3.58528e+11
13.1051 2.05275e+07 1.71755e+07 3.32112e+06 361278 0.176943 1.63043 117.351 2.52821e+12 1.84443e+12 1.78392e+12 3.61221e+11
13.1068 2.06517e+07 1.7277e+07 3.33942e+06 363704 0.17708 1.63083 117.35 2.54428e+12 1.85587e+12 1.79501e+12 3.63319e+11
13.1084 2.07631e+07 1.7359e+07 3.35112e+06 367062 0.177722 1.63203 117.348 2.55874e+12 1.8652e+12 1.80406e+12 3.64707e+11
13.1101 2.08822e+07 1.74401e+07 3.36228e+06 369441 0.178771 1.63333 117.346 2.57419e+12 1.87447e+12 1.81304e+12 3.66046e+11
13.1118 2.09979e+07 1.75126e+07 3.3703e+06 372908 0.180145 1.63504 117.343 2.58924e+12 1.88283e+12 1.82115e+12 3.67049e+11
13.1136 2.1117e+07 1.75763e+07 3.37622e+06 374512 0.182148 1.63686 117.342 2.60475e+12 1.8903e+12 1.82839e+12 3.67834e+11
13.1153 2.12342e+07 1.76428e+07 3.3856e+06 379484 0.183891 1.63782 117.339 2.61999e+12 1.89802e+12 1.83589e+12 3.68984e+11
13.1171 2.1347e+07 1.77055e+07 3.39602e+06 382446 0.185628 1.63826 117.338 2.63475e+12 1.90538e+12 1.84303e+12 3.70251e+11
13.1188 2.14547e+07 1.77633e+07 3.40745e+06 385022 0.187391 1.63813 117.335 2.64885e+12 1.91218e+12 1.84963e+12 3.7162e+11
13.1206 2.15756e+07 1.7827e+07 3.42399e+06 390356 0.189415 1.63687 117.333 2.66463e+12 1.91966e+12 1.85688e+12 3.73542e+11
13.1224 2.16846e+07 1.78938e+07 3.4439e+06 392314 0.190705 1.63484 117.332 2.67895e+12 1.92746e+12 1.86446e+12 3.75826e+11
13.1243 2.18043e+07 1.79753e+07 3.46733e+06 395333 0.191663 1.63263 117.329 2.69463e+12 1.93687e+12 1.87359e+12 3.78493e+11
13.1261 2.19064e+07 1.80503e+07 3.49052e+06 399016 0.192165 1.63017 117.327 2.70813e+12 1.94557e+12 1.88202e+12 3.8113e+11
13.128 2.20332e+07 1.81616e+07 3.51977e+06 399737 0.191796 1.62803 117.324 2.72472e+12 1.95818e+12 1.89425e+12 3.84423e+11
13.1299 2.21336e+07 1.82645e+07 3.5466e+06 400797 0.190693 1.62613 117.322 2.73805e+12 1.96991e+12 1.90562e+12 3.8746e+11
13.1318 2.22457e+07 1.83839e+07 3.5746e+06 402971 0.189241 1.62483 117.321 2.75285e+12 1.98341e+12 1.91871e+12 3.90623e+11
13.1337 2.23571e+07 1.85084e+07 3.60263e+06 403313 0.187508 1.62381 117.32 2.76758e+12 1.99746e+12 1.93232e+12 3.93791e+11
13.1357 2.24603e+07 1.86342e+07 3.6295e+06 405721 0.18535 1.62319 117.316 2.78134e+12 2.0117e+12 1.94612e+12 3.96844e+11
13.1377 2.25797e+07 1.87698e+07 3.65913e+06 405342 0.183418 1.62236 117.314 2.79711e+12 2.027e+12 1.96095e+12 4.00193e+11
13.1396 2.26799e+07 1.88862e+07 3.68531e+06 406806 0.181675 1.62145 117.314 2.81047e+12 2.0402e+12 1.97375e+12 4.03169e+11
13.1416 2.27837e+07 1.8998e+07 3.70883e+06 407884 0.180341 1.62102 117.311 2.82433e+12 2.05296e+12 1.98613e+12 4.05867e+11
13.1437 2.28932e+07 1.91158e+07 3.73483e+06 409840 0.17897 1.62025 117.308 2.83897e+12 2.06642e+12 1.99917e+12 4.08841e+11
13.1457 2.29988e+07 1.92204e+07 3.75814e+06 411200 0.178122 1.6195 117.306 2.85307e+12 2.07841e+12 2.01081e+12 4.1152e+11
13.1478 2.31113e+07 1.93293e+07 3.78073e+06 412154 0.177354 1.61918 117.302 2.8681e+12 2.09093e+12 2.02294e+12 4.14131e+11
13.1499 2.3216e+07 1.94244e+07 3.80292e+06 414884 0.176972 1.61826 117.301 2.88216e+12 2.10196e+12 2.03364e+12 4.16701e+11
13.1519 2.33206e+07 1.95222e+07 3.82351e+06 417167 0.176445 1.6179 117.299 2.89617e+12 2.11326e+12 2.04461e+12 4.19092e+11
13.1541 2.34161e+07 1.96074e+07 3.842e+06 419817 0.176179 1.61743 117.297 2.90917e+12 2.12328e+12 2.05433e+12 4.21275e+11
13.1562 2.35295e+07 1.97124e+07 3.86522e+06 420992 0.175682 1.61677 117.294 2.92435e+12 2.13539e+12 2.06608e+12 4.23959e+11
13.1584 2.36325e+07 1.98075e+07 3.88701e+06 423316 0.175232 1.61599 117.293 2.93829e+12 2.1465e+12 2.07686e+12 4.26499e+11
13.1606 2.37315e+07 1.99009e+07 3.90901e+06 424167 0.174713 1.61507 117.29 2.95175e+12 2.15742e+12 2.08746e+12 4.29063e+11
13.1627 2.38334e+07 1.99938e+07 3.92975e+06 426010 0.174346 1.61445 117.287 2.96552e+12 2.16826e+12 2.09798e+12 4.31486e+11
13.165 2.39343e+07 2.00885e+07 3.95266e+06 428398 0.173845 1.61339 117.285 2.97929e+12 2.17939e+12 2.10878e+12 4.34158e+11
13.1672 2.40456e+07 2.0192e+07 3.97562e+06 429836 0.173346 1.61276 117.282 2.9943e+12 2.19142e+12 2.12045e+12 4.36832e+11
13.1694 2.41421e+07 2.02794e+07 3.99643e+06 432171 0.173038 1.61187 117.281 3.00749e+12 2.20173e+12 2.13046e+12 4.39274e+11
13.1717 2.42307e+07 2.03563e+07 4.01535e+06 434838 0.172917 1.61095 117.278 3.01977e+12 2.21094e+12 2.13941e+12 4.41522e+11
13.174 2.43412e+07 2.04498e+07 4.03714e+06 436270 0.17289 1.61014 117.276 3.03477e+12 2.22196e+12 2.15011e+12 4.44081e+11
13.1763 2.4437e+07 2.05274e+07 4.05606e+06 439152 0.173025 1.60927 117.274 3.04795e+12 2.23128e+12 2.15916e+12 4.46332e+11
13.1786 2.45397e+07 2.06097e+07 4.07567e+06 440519 0.173214 1.60846 117.272 3.06201e+12 2.2411e+12 2.1687e+12 4.48659e+11
13.181 2.46384e+07 2.06894e+07 4.09489e+06 443884 0.173366 1.60763 117.27 3.07563e+12 2.25069e+12 2.17801e+12 4.50953e+11
13.1834 2.4738e+07 2.07697e+07 4.11479e+06 446204 0.173526 1.60667 117.268 3.08937e+12 2.26035e+12 2.1874e+12 4.53323e+11
13.1858 2.48336e+07 2.08498e+07 4.13527e+06 448282 0.173539 1.60557 117.263 3.10263e+12 2.27e+12 2.19677e+12 4.55756e+11
13.1882 2.49347e+07 2.09358e+07 4.15755e+06 449608 0.173486 1.60434 117.263 3.11658e+12 2.28029e+12 2.20676e+12 4.58387e+11
13.1906 2.50363e+07 2.10283e+07 4.18142e+06 451430 0.173145 1.60306 117.26 3.13061e+12 2.29129e+12 2.21745e+12 4.61191e+11
13.193 2.51339e+07 2.11218e+07 4.20374e+06 452925 0.172604 1.6022 117.258 3.14414e+12 2.30241e+12 2.22824e+12 4.63829e+11
13.1955 2.52272e+07 2.12182e+07 4.22875e+06 455873 0.171761 1.60085 117.256 3.1572e+12 2.31389e+12 2.23939e+12 4.66768e+11
13.198 2.5318e+07 2.13159e+07 4.25427e+06 456054 0.170766 1.59946 117.252 3.16997e+12 2.32552e+12 2.25069e+12 4.69765e+11
13.2005 2.54172e+07 2.14213e+07 4.28001e+06 457310 0.16975 1.5984 117.251 3.1838e+12 2.33799e+12 2.2628e+12 4.72788e+11
13.203 2.55117e+07 2.15234e+07 4.30566e+06 459336 0.168715 1.59722 117.249 3.19705e+12 2.35012e+12 2.27457e+12 4.75804e+11
13.2055 2.56119e+07 2.16457e+07 4.33603e+06 459425 0.166986 1.5959 117.247 3.21101e+12 2.36444e+12 2.28847e+12 4.79333e+11
13.2081 2.57058e+07 2.17507e+07 4.36008e+06 461638 0.165812 1.59523 117.244 3.22426e+12 2.37694e+12 2.30061e+12 4.82188e+11
13.2107 2.57947e+07 2.18467e+07 4.38405e+06 463687 0.16487 1.59418 117.242 3.23691e+12 2.38847e+12 2.31182e+12 4.85036e+11
13.2133 2.58875e+07 2.19421e+07 4.40747e+06 465025 0.1641 1.59324 117.239 3.25004e+12 2.39995e+12 2.32297e+12 4.87828e+11
13.2159 2.59866e+07 2.20428e+07 4.42982e+06 466563 0.163352 1.59278 117.237 3.26397e+12 2.41202e+12 2.33469e+12 4.90505e+11
13.2185 2.60861e+07 2.21373e+07 4.45248e+06 468116 0.162903 1.59198 117.234 3.27797e+12 2.42341e+12 2.34575e+12 4.93218e+11
13.2212 2.61678e+07 2.22153e+07 4.47289e+06 469504 0.162512 1.59094 117.233 3.28981e+12 2.43306e+12 2.35515e+12 4.95697e+11
13.2238 2.62705e+07 2.23061e+07 4.49372e+06 472920 0.162349 1.5904 117.23 3.30423e+12 2.44408e+12 2.36585e+12 4.98214e+11
13.2265 2.63615e+07 2.23878e+07 4.51305e+06 474496 0.162151 1.58977 117.227 3.31725e+12 2.45416e+12 2.37565e+12 5.0058e+11
13.2292 2.64542e+07 2.24704e+07 4.53222e+06 475630 0.161982 1.58923 117.225 3.3305e+12 2.46433e+12 2.38554e+12 5.02929e+11
13.232 2.65525e+07 2.2557e+07 4.55228e+06 479561 0.161842 1.58867 117.223 3.34451e+12 2.475e+12 2.39592e+12 5.05387e+11
13.2347 2.66446e+07 2.26374e+07 4.57267e+06 480817 0.161752 1.58778 117.219 3.35772e+12 2.48496e+12 2.4056e+12 5.07874e+11
13.2375 2.67251e+07 2.27141e+07 4.59239e+06 480856 0.161391 1.58687 117.218 3.36952e+12 2.49456e+12 2.41494e+12 5.10298e+11
13.2403 2.68205e+07 2.28031e+07 4.61451e+06 483597 0.161045 1.586 117.216 3.38322e+12 2.50552e+12 2.42559e+12 5.12986e+11
13.2431 2.69139e+07 2.28908e+07 4.6365e+06 484978 0.160686 1.58511 117.213 3.39667e+12 2.51633e+12 2.43611e+12 5.15662e+11
13.2459 2.69903e+07 2.29672e+07 4.65804e+06 488050 0.160192 1.58383 117.211 3.40801e+12 2.52594e+12 2.44545e+12 5.18291e+11
13.2487 2.70849e+07 2.30616e+07 4.68301e+06 489938 0.159593 1.58261 117.208 3.42163e+12 2.5375e+12 2.4567e+12 5.21297e+11
13.2516 2.71834e+07 2.31563e+07 4.70833e+06 491125 0.159127 1.58136 117.205 3.43582e+12 2.54916e+12 2.46804e+12 5.24353e+11
13.2545 2.72689e+07 2.3243e+07 4.73065e+06 492621 0.158539 1.58038 117.203 3.44839e+12 2.55995e+12 2.47853e+12 5.27084e+11
13.2574 2.73521e+07 2.33297e+07 4.75313e+06 494609 0.157863 1.57939 117.2 3.46067e+12 2.57076e+12 2.48904e+12 5.29835e+11
13.2603 2.74478e+07 2.34204e+07 4.77746e+06 495116 0.157482 1.57819 117.198 3.47455e+12 2.58201e+12 2.49998e+12 5.3279e+11
13.2632 2.75341e+07 2.35069e+07 4.79899e+06 497045 0.156933 1.57741 117.196 3.48725e+12 2.59281e+12 2.51049e+12 5.35441e+11
13.2662 2.76294e+07 2.35995e+07 4.82456e+06 500017 0.156461 1.57606 117.193 3.50116e+12 2.60433e+12 2.52169e+12 5.38546e+11
13.2692 2.7703e+07 2.36744e+07 4.84351e+06 499860 0.155953 1.57532 117.19 3.51234e+12 2.61393e+12 2.53104e+12 5.40929e+11
13.2722 2.77882e+07 2.37614e+07 4.86692e+06 504929 0.155364 1.57419 117.188 3.52501e+12 2.62485e+12 2.54167e+12 5.43803e+11
13.2752 2.78839e+07 2.38557e+07 4.89211e+06 504544 0.154839 1.57303 117.185 3.539e+12 2.6366e+12 2.55309e+12 5.46875e+11
13.2782 2.79789e+07 2.39515e+07 4.9153e+06 505977 0.154241 1.57233 117.183 3.55292e+12 2.64851e+12 2.56468e+12 5.49729e+11
13.2813 2.80577e+07 2.40321e+07 4.93642e+06 507463 0.153696 1.57142 117.181 3.56487e+12 2.65881e+12 2.5747e+12 5.52369e+11
13.2843 2.81475e+07 2.41288e+07 4.96114e+06 510582 0.152884 1.57047 117.178 3.57817e+12 2.67085e+12 2.58642e+12 5.55398e+11
13.2874 2.82305e+07 2.42137e+07 4.98395e+06 511646 0.152319 1.56942 117.176 3.59067e+12 2.68164e+12 2.59692e+12 5.58228e+11
13.2905 2.83161e+07 2.431e+07 5.00908e+06 513337 0.151389 1.56838 117.173 3.60351e+12 2.69369e+12 2.60865e+12 5.61316e+11
13.2937 2.84087e+07 2.44058e+07 5.03378e+06 514773 0.150726 1.56742 117.171 3.61732e+12 2.70575e+12 2.62038e+12 5.6437e+11
13.2968 2.84838e+07 2.44891e+07 5.05803e+06 515267 0.149961 1.56606 117.167 3.62886e+12 2.71641e+12 2.63075e+12 5.67368e+11
13.3 2.85833e+07 2.45907e+07 5.08539e+06 518976 0.149311 1.56484 117.165 3.64356e+12 2.72913e+12 2.64313e+12 5.7072e+11
13.3032 2.86573e+07 2.46714e+07 5.108e+06 519838 0.148624 1.5637 117.162 3.65505e+12 2.73955e+12 2.65328e+12 5.73552e+11
13.3064 2.87391e+07 2.4759e+07 5.13341e+06 522129 0.147935 1.56231 117.16 3.66754e+12 2.75075e+12 2.66419e+12 5.76696e+11
13.3096 2.88195e+07 2.48423e+07 5.15715e+06 521705 0.147376 1.56109 117.158 3.67988e+12 2.7615e+12 2.67465e+12 5.79659e+11
13.3129 2.89087e+07 2.4937e+07 5.18448e+06 524044 0.146665 1.55965 117.155 3.69339e+12 2.77355e+12 2.68638e+12 5.83031e+11
13.3161 2.89986e+07 2.50258e+07 5.21086e+06 525224 0.14622 1.55816 117.153 3.70695e+12 2.78491e+12 2.69745e+12 5.8629e+11
13.3194 2.90776e+07 2.51088e+07 5.23614e+06 527147 0.145634 1.55666 117.15 3.7192e+12 2.79569e+12 2.70795e+12 5.89442e+11
13.3227 2.9161e+07 2.51976e+07 5.2607e+06 529064 0.144974 1.55554 117.148 3.73202e+12 2.80713e+12 2.71908e+12 5.92517e+11
13.326 2.9237e+07 2.52753e+07 5.28545e+06 532914 0.144501 1.55395 117.144 3.74391e+12 2.81735e+12 2.72904e+12 5.95617e+11
13.3294 2.93369e+07 2.53782e+07 5.31327e+06 532765 0.143849 1.55281 117.141 3.75892e+12 2.83042e+12 2.74177e+12 5.99069e+11
13.3327 2.94058e+07 2.54534e+07 5.33664e+06 535091 0.14324 1.5514 117.139 3.76993e+12 2.84038e+12 2.75148e+12 6.02023e+11
13.3361 2.94834e+07 2.55409e+07 5.36177e+06 536195 0.142451 1.55016 117.136 3.78213e+12 2.85177e+12 2.76256e+12 6.05184e+11
13.3395 2.95689e+07 2.5632e+07 5.38767e+06 538388 0.141794 1.54893 117.134 3.79535e+12 2.86356e+12 2.77405e+12 6.08433e+11
13.3429 2.9665e+07 2.57361e+07 5.41763e+06 539074 0.14099 1.54748 117.13 3.80992e+12 2.87681e+12 2.78695e+12 6.12137e+11
13.3463 2.97341e+07 2.58186e+07 5.44086e+06 540642 0.14012 1.54643 117.129 3.82108e+12 2.88768e+12 2.79754e+12 6.15097e+11
13.3498 2.98271e+07 2.5918e+07 5.47026e+06 543262 0.139407 1.54492 117.126 3.83536e+12 2.90048e+12 2.81e+12 6.18757e+11
13.3533 2.99016e+07 2.60033e+07 5.49523e+06 544490 0.13862 1.54368 117.124 3.8473e+12 2.91173e+12 2.82097e+12 6.21928e+11
13.3568 2.99918e+07 2.61046e+07 5.52328e+06 545816 0.13775 1.54251 117.12 3.86125e+12 2.92477e+12 2.83367e+12 6.25445e+11
13.3603 3.00664e+07 2.61881e+07 5.5492e+06 546303 0.137046 1.54105 117.119 3.87323e+12 2.93584e+12 2.84446e+12 6.28727e+11
13.3638 3.01439e+07 2.62779e+07 5.57572e+06 548907 0.136203 1.53974 117.115 3.88559e+12 2.94763e+12 2.85594e+12 6.32081e+11
13.3673 3.02261e+07 2.63702e+07 5.60445e+06 548978 0.135428 1.53814 117.113 3.89856e+12 2.9597e+12 2.86771e+12 6.35684e+11
13.3709 3.03069e+07 2.64604e+07 5.6307e+06 551120 0.134685 1.53691 117.109 3.91142e+12 2.97161e+12 2.87931e+12 6.39026e+11
13.3745 3.03906e+07 2.65544e+07 5.66123e+06 553004 0.133904 1.53509 117.108 3.92469e+12 2.98395e+12 2.89134e+12 6.42849e+11
13.3781 3.04645e+07 2.66368e+07 5.68616e+06 554071 0.133238 1.53382 117.104 3.9367e+12 2.99501e+12 2.90212e+12 6.46051e+11
13.3817 3.0551e+07 2.67339e+07 5.71551e+06 556475 0.13244 1.53235 117.102 3.95035e+12 3.00773e+12 2.91451e+12 6.4975e+11
13.3854 3.06234e+07 2.68154e+07 5.74137e+06 558214 0.13177 1.53091 117.099 3.96227e+12 3.01875e+12 2.92527e+12 6.53074e+11
13.389 3.0711e+07 2.69157e+07 5.77102e+06 557829 0.130898 1.52953 117.096 3.97608e+12 3.03185e+12 2.93803e+12 6.56814e+11
13.3927 3.07823e+07 2.69996e+07 5.79856e+06 560764 0.130109 1.52791 117.092 3.98789e+12 3.04318e+12 2.94908e+12 6.60333e+11
13.3964 3.08591e+07 2.70897e+07 5.82627e+06 562682 0.129278 1.52651 117.09 4.00041e+12 3.05522e+12 2.96081e+12 6.63876e+11
13.4001 3.09373e+07 2.71782e+07 5.85563e+06 562494 0.128548 1.52478 117.088 4.01312e+12 3.06709e+12 2.97239e+12 6.67607e+11
13.4039 3.1024e+07 2.72787e+07 5.88584e+06 565600 0.127662 1.52336 117.086 4.02703e+12 3.08037e+12 2.98533e+12 6.7145e+11
13.4076 3.10856e+07 2.73574e+07 5.91238e+06 567397 0.12677 1.52178 117.083 4.03763e+12 3.09117e+12 2.99587e+12 6.74874e+11
13.4114 3.11682e+07 2.74513e+07 5.9421e+06 566991 0.126009 1.52022 117.079 4.05103e+12 3.10372e+12 3.00811e+12 6.7867e+11
13.4152 3.12523e+07 2.75464e+07 5.9708e+06 569382 0.125247 1.5189 117.077 4.06463e+12 3.11644e+12 3.02051e+12 6.82354e+11
13.419 3.13292e+07 2.76396e+07 6.00105e+06 571518 0.124333 1.51726 117.073 4.07733e+12 3.12896e+12 3.03272e+12 6.86219e+11
13.4229 3.14024e+07 2.77289e+07 6.03055e+06 571945 0.123446 1.51562 117.07 4.08963e+12 3.1411e+12 3.04456e+12 6.90015e+11
13.4267 3.1477e+07 2.78139e+07 6.05863e+06 575026 0.122765 1.51406 117.068 4.10204e+12 3.15272e+12 3.05589e+12 6.93643e+11
13.4306 3.156e+07 2.79104e+07 6.08981e+06 576491 0.121941 1.51243 117.066 4.11564e+12 3.1657e+12 3.06856e+12 6.97636e+11
13.4345 3.16399e+07 2.80095e+07 6.12067e+06 576374 0.120932 1.51096 117.063 4.12884e+12 3.17899e+12 3.08152e+12 7.01599e+11
13.4384 3.1714e+07 2.80968e+07 6.1497e+06 578607 0.12016 1.50937 117.06 4.14132e+12 3.19097e+12 3.0932e+12 7.0536e+11
13.4423 3.17886e+07 2.8187e+07 6.17944e+06 580966 0.119315 1.50779 117.057 4.15387e+12 3.20328e+12 3.10521e+12 7.09205e+11
13.4462 3.18608e+07 2.82761e+07 6.20983e+06 581545 0.118431 1.50608 117.055 4.16611e+12 3.21549e+12 3.11712e+12 7.13127e+11
13.4502 3.19384e+07 2.83673e+07 6.23944e+06 583740 0.117648 1.50457 117.051 4.17916e+12 3.228e+12 3.12933e+12 7.1698e+11
13.4542 3.20145e+07 2.84601e+07 6.2694e+06 584758 0.116769 1.50308 117.048 4.19201e+12 3.2407e+12 3.14172e+12 7.20876e+11
13.4582 3.20895e+07 2.85417e+07 6.30017e+06 586890 0.11625 1.50108 117.046 4.20475e+12 3.25215e+12 3.15291e+12 7.24868e+11
13.4622 3.21593e+07 2.86469e+07 6.3337e+06 586822 0.11475 1.4995 117.043 4.21681e+12 3.2663e+12 3.1667e+12 7.29177e+11
13.4663 3.22424e+07 2.8742e+07 6.36495e+06 589408 0.114029 1.49792 117.04 4.23071e+12 3.27935e+12 3.17944e+12 7.33245e+11
13.4703 3.23101e+07 2.88305e+07 6.3958e+06 589097 0.113056 1.4962 117.037 4.24252e+12 3.29164e+12 3.19143e+12 7.37261e+11
13.4744 3.23898e+07 2.89206e+07 6.4258e+06 593014 0.112404 1.49467 117.036 4.256e+12 3.30417e+12 3.20366e+12 7.41198e+11
13.4785 3.24614e+07 2.9011e+07 6.45618e+06 591622 0.111494 1.49311 117.031 4.26843e+12 3.31674e+12 3.21594e+12 7.45183e+11
13.4826 3.25339e+07 2.91025e+07 6.48724e+06 595744 0.110584 1.49149 117.028 4.281e+12 3.32946e+12 3.22835e+12 7.49249e+11
13.4868 3.26124e+07 2.92023e+07 6.5213e+06 596895 0.10958 1.48972 117.027 4.29444e+12 3.34319e+12 3.24175e+12 7.53675e+11
13.4909 3.26805e+07 2.92844e+07 6.54937e+06 598734 0.108864 1.48826 117.024 4.30646e+12 3.35487e+12 3.25316e+12 7.57413e+11
13.4951 3.27629e+07 2.93878e+07 6.58414e+06 600666 0.10786 1.48653 117.02 4.32044e+12 3.36905e+12 3.267e+12 7.6193e+11
13.4993 3.28271e+07 2.94704e+07 6.6136e+06 598916 0.10702 1.4849 117.018 4.33206e+12 3.38086e+12 3.27854e+12 7.65847e+11
13.5035 3.29051e+07 2.95653e+07 6.64537e+06 602869 0.106182 1.48336 117.015 4.34549e+12 3.39411e+12 3.29147e+12 7.70034e+11
13.5078 3.29823e+07 2.96588e+07 6.6792e+06 604151 0.105377 1.48148 117.011 4.35892e+12 3.40725e+12 3.3043e+12 7.74473e+11
13.512 3.30559e+07 2.97557e+07 6.71167e+06 605187 0.104348 1.47993 117.009 4.37181e+12 3.42076e+12 3.31749e+12 7.78749e+11
13.5163 3.31237e+07 2.98428e+07 6.74318e+06 608151 0.103481 1.4782 117.006 4.38402e+12 3.4332e+12 3.32965e+12 7.82936e+11
13.5206 3.31971e+07 2.99341e+07 6.77412e+06 608247 0.102647 1.47671 117.004 4.397e+12 3.44616e+12 3.3423e+12 7.87061e+11
13.5249 3.32739e+07 3.00288e+07 6.80795e+06 607752 0.101804 1.47492 117.001 4.41043e+12 3.4595e+12 3.35533e+12 7.91523e+11
13.5292 3.33427e+07 3.01216e+07 6.84057e+06 611227 0.100792 1.47326 116.998 4.42283e+12 3.47266e+12 3.36818e+12 7.95851e+11
13.5336 3.3419e+07 3.02172e+07 6.87518e+06 613980 0.099912 1.47142 116.996 4.4363e+12 3.4862e+12 3.38141e+12 8.00427e+11
13.5379 3.34828e+07 3.03034e+07 6.90551e+06 613125 0.0989762 1.4699 116.993 4.44806e+12 3.49864e+12 3.39356e+12 8.04505e+11
13.5423 3.35601e+07 3.04046e+07 6.94245e+06 615993 0.0979578 1.46794 116.991 4.46171e+12 3.51285e+12 3.40744e+12 8.0936e+11
13.5467 3.36264e+07 3.04934e+07 6.97348e+06 616139 0.0970162 1.46643 116.988 4.47391e+12 3.52568e+12 3.41997e+12 8.13541e+11
13.5511 3.37038e+07 3.05914e+07 7.00834e+06 618077 0.0961139 1.46469 116.986 4.48759e+12 3.53956e+12 3.43354e+12 8.1817e+11
13.5556 3.37805e+07 3.06872e+07 7.04523e+06 621124 0.0952704 1.46261 116.982 4.50129e+12 3.55328e+12 3.44694e+12 8.23052e+11
13.5601 3.38459e+07 3.07759e+07 7.07618e+06 621020 0.094323 1.46114 116.979 4.51349e+12 3.56619e+12 3.45956e+12 8.27256e+11
13.5645 3.39148e+07 3.0871e+07 7.11016e+06 623331 0.0932789 1.45947 116.976 4.52609e+12 3.57979e+12 3.47285e+12 8.31801e+11
13.569 3.39909e+07 3.09692e+07 7.1462e+06 623672 0.0923526 1.45763 116.973 4.53976e+12 3.59384e+12 3.48657e+12 8.36603e+11
13.5735 3.40577e+07 3.10553e+07 7.18132e+06 626400 0.0915428 1.45554 116.97 4.55219e+12 3.6065e+12 3.49895e+12 8.41305e+11
13.5781 3.41356e+07 3.116e+07 7.21703e+06 626273 0.090468 1.45398 116.967 4.5662e+12 3.6214e+12 3.5135e+12 8.46097e+11
13.5826 3.41942e+07 3.12448e+07 7.24982e+06 628363 0.0894685 1.4522 116.963 4.57757e+12 3.63394e+12 3.52577e+12 8.50543e+11
13.5872 3.42725e+07 3.13464e+07 7.28667e+06 630339 0.0885214 1.45041 116.961 4.59168e+12 3.6485e+12 3.54e+12 8.55479e+11
13.5918 3.43451e+07 3.14411e+07 7.32271e+06 630803 0.0876255 1.44853 116.959 4.60503e+12 3.6623e+12 3.55348e+12 8.60328e+11
13.5964 3.44061e+07 3.15287e+07 7.35571e+06 630693 0.0866253 1.44685 116.956 4.61685e+12 3.67528e+12 3.56617e+12 8.64831e+11
13.6011 3.44755e+07 3.16236e+07 7.39065e+06 634057 0.0856409 1.44515 116.952 4.62988e+12 3.68918e+12 3.57977e+12 8.6958e+11
13.6057 3.45488e+07 3.17208e+07 7.42904e+06 635716 0.0847025 1.44308 116.95 4.64339e+12 3.70332e+12 3.59358e+12 8.74721e+11
13.6104 3.46201e+07 3.18149e+07 7.46565e+06 638111 0.0838079 1.44116 116.947 4.65671e+12 3.71716e+12 3.60712e+12 8.79677e+11
13.6151 3.46804e+07 3.19052e+07 7.49955e+06 637376 0.0827207 1.4395 116.944 4.66858e+12 3.73059e+12 3.62025e+12 8.84325e+11
13.6198 3.47586e+07 3.20075e+07 7.53973e+06 639557 0.0817742 1.4374 116.941 4.68286e+12 3.74544e+12 3.63476e+12 8.89709e+11
13.6245 3.48251e+07 3.21054e+07 7.57723e+06 642064 0.0806408 1.43553 116.94 4.69559e+12 3.75978e+12 3.64879e+12 8.94789e+11
13.6293 3.48934e+07 3.22e+07 7.6131e+06 641937 0.0796697 1.43378 116.935 4.70867e+12 3.77382e+12 3.66252e+12 8.99702e+11
13.634 3.49648e+07 3.22976e+07 7.65096e+06 642748 0.0786891 1.43189 116.932 4.72209e+12 3.78818e+12 3.67656e+12 9.04838e+11
13.6388 3.50327e+07 3.23961e+07 7.68901e+06 645070 0.0775922 1.43 116.929 4.73514e+12 3.80272e+12 3.69077e+12 9.10019e+11
13.6436 3.51041e+07 3.24931e+07 7.72795e+06 646130 0.0766451 1.42798 116.927 4.74867e+12 3.8171e+12 3.70484e+12 9.15311e+11
13.6485 3.51765e+07 3.25958e+07 7.76572e+06 648857 0.0755578 1.42629 116.923 4.76244e+12 3.83222e+12 3.71963e+12 9.20488e+11
13.6533 3.52413e+07 3.2689e+07 7.80521e+06 649180 0.0745453 1.42412 116.919 4.77512e+12 3.84621e+12 3.73331e+12 9.2586e+11
13.6581 3.52992e+07 3.27764e+07 7.83936e+06 651360 0.0735234 1.42245 116.918 4.78689e+12 3.85953e+12 3.74634e+12 9.30614e+11
13.663 3.53729e+07 3.28774e+07 7.8815e+06 654333 0.0725414 1.42021 116.914 4.8009e+12 3.87451e+12 3.761e+12 9.36325e+11
13.6679 3.54462e+07 3.29791e+07 7.92064e+06 654125 0.0715315 1.41838 116.912 4.81486e+12 3.88961e+12 3.77576e+12 9.41694e+11
13.6729 3.55086e+07 3.30721e+07 7.95756e+06 654708 0.0704813 1.41658 116.908 4.82745e+12 3.90376e+12 3.78961e+12 9.46826e+11
13.6778 3.55768e+07 3.31748e+07 7.9986e+06 655323 0.0693057 1.41458 116.906 4.84076e+12 3.91902e+12 3.80454e+12 9.52433e+11
13.6828 3.56485e+07 3.32716e+07 8.03653e+06 659290 0.0684112 1.41279 116.903 4.85464e+12 3.93367e+12 3.81887e+12 9.57699e+11
13.6877 3.57147e+07 3.33703e+07 8.07839e+06 658280 0.0673128 1.4106 116.899 4.86771e+12 3.94849e+12 3.83337e+12 9.63418e+11
13.6927 3.5787e+07 3.34715e+07 8.11903e+06 660551 0.0663146 1.40865 116.896 4.88171e+12 3.96369e+12 3.84824e+12 9.69017e+11
13.6977 3.58551e+07 3.35736e+07 8.16024e+06 662499 0.065178 1.40667 116.893 4.89516e+12 3.97902e+12 3.86323e+12 9.74693e+11
13.7028 3.59124e+07 3.36593e+07 8.19783e+06 664150 0.0642281 1.40466 116.89 4.90724e+12 3.99251e+12 3.87645e+12 9.79966e+11
13.7078 3.59737e+07 3.37565e+07 8.23725e+06 664113 0.0630567 1.40278 116.888 4.9198e+12 4.0073e+12 3.89093e+12 9.85447e+11
13.7129 3.60455e+07 3.386e+07 8.2798e+06 664878 0.061996 1.40073 116.886 4.93388e+12 4.02292e+12 3.90621e+12 9.91321e+11
13.718 3.61166e+07 3.39615e+07 8.3205e+06 668298 0.0609808 1.39885 116.881 4.94789e+12 4.03833e+12 3.92129e+12 9.96987e+11
13.7231 3.61882e+07 3.40635e+07 8.36283e+06 669899 0.0599697 1.39681 116.879 4.96199e+12 4.05382e+12 3.93645e+12 1.00285e+12
13.7282 3.62418e+07 3.41503e+07 8.40193e+06 670129 0.058911 1.39473 116.877 4.97365e+12 4.06753e+12 3.94988e+12 1.00834e+12
13.7334 3.6321e+07 3.42647e+07 8.44517e+06 670191 0.0577595 1.39297 116.875 4.9889e+12 4.0846e+12 3.96657e+12 1.01435e+12
13.7385 3.63771e+07 3.43543e+07 8.48587e+06 672010 0.0566975 1.39081 116.871 5.00094e+12 4.09869e+12 3.98037e+12 1.02005e+12
13.7437 3.64551e+07 3.44652e+07 8.52947e+06 673440 0.0556203 1.38895 116.866 5.01607e+12 4.1154e+12 3.99672e+12 1.02612e+12
13.7489 3.65082e+07 3.45488e+07 8.56876e+06 675625 0.0546606 1.38681 116.864 5.02781e+12 4.12888e+12 4.00993e+12 1.03169e+12
13.7541 3.65792e+07 3.46593e+07 8.61505e+06 677947 0.0534185 1.38466 116.862 5.04202e+12 4.14558e+12 4.02627e+12 1.03809e+12
13.7594 3.66428e+07 3.47556e+07 8.65514e+06 678796 0.0523886 1.38282 116.858 5.05533e+12 4.16068e+12 4.04106e+12 1.04379e+12
13.7646 3.67083e+07 3.4823e+07 8.68895e+06 679995 0.052239 1.38089 116.856 5.06882e+12 4.17229e+12 4.05246e+12 1.04873e+12
13.7699 3.67789e+07 3.49825e+07 8.75041e+06 681302 0.0496075 1.37846 116.852 5.08312e+12 4.19496e+12 4.0746e+12 1.05699e+12
13.7752 3.68474e+07 3.50681e+07 8.78668e+06 682040 0.0490255 1.3768 116.849 5.09715e+12 4.20885e+12 4.08822e+12 1.06225e+12
13.7805 3.68997e+07 3.51573e+07 8.82875e+06 683287 0.0479135 1.3746 116.846 5.10897e+12 4.2232e+12 4.10228e+12 1.06822e+12
13.7859 3.69665e+07 3.52602e+07 8.87302e+06 684304 0.0468082 1.37255 116.843 5.12289e+12 4.23927e+12 4.11802e+12 1.07448e+12
13.7912 3.70335e+07 3.53621e+07 8.91727e+06 686098 0.0457371 1.3705 116.839 5.13676e+12 4.25517e+12 4.13359e+12 1.08073e+12
13.7966 3.71033e+07 3.54698e+07 8.96329e+06 687873 0.044586 1.36843 116.836 5.15114e+12 4.27186e+12 4.14993e+12 1.08721e+12
13.802 3.71658e+07 3.55683e+07 9.00922e+06 689520 0.0435047 1.36613 116.832 5.16452e+12 4.28747e+12 4.16523e+12 1.0937e+12
13.8074 3.72218e+07 3.56625e+07 9.05199e+06 690718 0.0423729 1.36408 116.829 5.17702e+12 4.30259e+12 4.18005e+12 1.09982e+12
13.8129 3.72892e+07 3.57701e+07 9.09768e+06 692111 0.0411774 1.36209 116.827 5.19121e+12 4.31942e+12 4.19652e+12 1.10631e+12
13.8183 3.73673e+07 3.58852e+07 9.14603e+06 693238 0.0400638 1.36004 116.824 5.2068e+12 4.33709e+12 4.21382e+12 1.11312e+12
13.8238 3.74238e+07 3.59778e+07 9.18894e+06 694864 0.0390045 1.35797 116.82 5.21952e+12 4.35216e+12 4.22859e+12 1.1193e+12
13.8293 3.74894e+07 3.60817e+07 9.23597e+06 695411 0.0378791 1.35578 116.818 5.2335e+12 4.36861e+12 4.24471e+12 1.12599e+12
13.8348 3.75567e+07 3.61823e+07 9.28216e+06 697389 0.036894 1.35362 116.815 5.24775e+12 4.38469e+12 4.26046e+12 1.13258e+12
13.8403 3.76105e+07 3.62777e+07 9.32625e+06 698636 0.0356984 1.35155 116.812 5.26014e+12 4.40017e+12 4.27563e+12 1.13894e+12

text files looks like the above

maurov commented

@StefanMangoldKa the ASCII file you have included in your comment is a Spec file, so it is read by Larch accordingly.

If you want to read it simply as a multi-column file, you could remove the header until the line:

#L Energy Ioni1 Ioni2 Ioni3 FLUO Absorption Reference e_Current ioni1_paf ioni2_pbf ioni2_paf ioni3_pbf

This file is a text file, which slightly looks like a spec file (has only one scan inside) and has a .athena ending. The Larch version before did the read in a text file. The actual version as a spec file.
For us it would be helpful, if either one could force XAS_viewer to read this in as text-file or just activate the spec read in only of file with .spec at the end.
We have a lot of old data and would be quite an effort to re-write all files .....

best regard Stefan

maurov commented

@StefanMangoldKa your file is a Spec file with a single scan in it and the xas_viewer GUI reads it correctly as a... Spec file. Not all Spec files have .spec extension, so it will break compatibility to other people if we force reading as Spec files only those files with such extension.

Removing the header or directly reading in with the read_ascii function in Larch, could be easily done with a simple script or Jupyter notebook, but you may be not familiar with it.

If I understand well your request, you would like to read in with the xas_viewer GUI multiple single scan Spec files by reusing the same labels for the first one in the list, something like this:

  • from the xas_viewer file open panel select many files
  • if the file is a Spec file with single scan, store the selection of X/Y labels
  • import the same for all files in the list

This is feasible, just a matter of time/priority to implementing it.

that would be fine, I would have at least three direct colleagues, which needs this.

@maurov @StefanMangoldKa Yeah, I guess I am sort of confused by the issue here. That is, is this a silx problem or a problem in Specfile.get_scan()? I don't think we're doing any parsing of the spec header lines, but that seems a little weird that the spec reader misinterprets that header and then thinks the file has only one column. That seems like a very serious problem to me.

I would be OK with using read_ascii for "single scan spec files", perhaps detecting a) it is a specfile (we have this test, and it seems to work to identify this file as Spec), and then b) does this spec file actually have only one scan (maybe: once the lines starting with '#' end, there are no more lines starting with '#'?).

But maybe there should also be a sanity check of "did we read this spec file correctly?", because reading only 1 array when there are clearly more than 4 columns seems like a serious error.

We definitely want to be able to read non-ESRF spec files.....

some more explanation:

  • in the older XAS_viewer version, this file was read in with a standard text-file interface
  • this behavior changed with the actual version
  • for me it looks like, that there is some code, which check the header and than activates the silx library
  • the single file read in works
  • in principle an open dialog is presented, which allows to select several files, but in case of file opened with the silx library no further files are loaded.
maurov commented

@newville the Spec file sent by @StefanMangoldKa is read as expected by xas_viewer, nothing worry about on this side.

What @StefanMangoldKa is requesting is a known feature request, that is, to have the possibility to read multiple Spec files with a single scan in one batch, as is done if one selects multiple column files.

This issue is related to #367 and #311.

@maurov Oh, that spec file did not read in to XAS Viewer to me.

I'm OK with "read multiple single-scan spec files", but that maybe suggests that we should detect single-scan spec files and read with read_ascii() and then XAS_Viewer would read multiple files.

I'm also OK with revisiting "how to read in multi-columns fluorescence (and do deadtime corrections)", though I'm not entirely sure how to best present that.....

maurov commented

@newville there are errors in the format of that Spec file and I do not know why is such.

What prevents xas_viewer (and the underlying silx.io.open) to correctly read the columns names is that the #L line has single space between the names of each column, instead of two, as stated by the Spec manual:


If I manually correct this, it works:


Errors like this are difficult to catch. Furthermore, I think that is the responsibility of the user to provide correctly formatted files. I do not understand the argument of providing a mis-formatted file and ask to ignore the format and read it as a non-formatted file! This is why I was proposing at the beginning to simply remove the (Spec format) header from such files (a quick web search will explain how to easily do it on multiple files with few lines of code once for all).

Anyway, to avoid problems like this, in the case there is a single scan in the Spec file, we could read it directly with read_ascii. Before pushing such change, I would add a test file to make sure this does not break reading of correctly formatted Spec files.

@maurov Well, I would say that the silx reader requiring two spaces between words on the "#L...." line is going out of its way to enforce a rule that it may not actually need to enforce.

Silx recognizes the file as a Spec file, parses the "#L" line as if it was a Spec file, and then makes a non-ideal decision (one might even say, deliberately makes the wrong decision in order to enforce an odd rule of Spec files) about how many columns of data to read from that scan. If parsing that "#L" line gives "1 column of data", and there are clearly more columns of numbers following that, maybe those columns could be read and be called something "col2", "col3", ...?

But, OK, if slix is going to claim that two spaces are required and refuse to read data beyond the number of columns it detects from the "#L" line, then maybe some test -- perhaps "is_specfile()" -- could detect that non-ideal decision on how many columns of data are available and then we can read that with a more liberal reader like "read_ascii()" that will actually read and present the data to the user.

I like the idea of first detecting if it is a single scan and trying "read_ascii()" for that case.

I would not place the responsibility for formatting data on the end user but on the beamline scientist. I would place responsibility for reading the data on us (authors of the processing software), with the goal (not always reachable) of being able to read the data the user has. But, some data just has to be reformatted...

Some more information to the history:

  • 2003 we have written only spec files.
  • later (about 2009) we write hdf5 files, spec files and .athena file
  • the .athena file was an especially small spec-like file first, to be able to work with Athena without crashing.
  • as larch came more and more into use, we adapted this files, now they don't look any more like spec files.

As I synchrotron, nowadays for in-house use, we constantly changed our file output to work with some limitations of the athena Software. So we have some problems with some "legacy files". The beamline, which I mostly care for, got for some time a very limited Software support. Therefor I have quite some legacy files.

I'm im principle user and beamline scientists. Has quite some problems with work load, but I can change file formats (in case I detect the issue) quite fast.

@StefanMangoldKa Yes, that all seems OK to me -- I think we should be able to fix reading of these files (probably as "ASCII" files) for the next release.

Do I understand correctly that you have lots of these "single files extracted from Spec"?

maurov commented

This is now fixed by e7ebc39 (@newville thanks! you were much faster than me!). I think we can close the issue.

Dear @newville yes since I measure a lot of Q-XAFS and I have quite some projects with some older data, I have a huge amount of file like this.
Since I’m currently out of office (wir limited network), I can check any updates not before 11.06. Thanks for your effort.