
Companies that advertise Cybersecurity Roles (2023)


Companies that advertise Cybersecurity Roles (2023)

Hi, I'm Daniel, and I'm making a list of companies that are i. Cybersecurity related, or ii. have cybersecurity positions advertised in job platforms such as LinkedIn, glassDoor, etc.

The purpose of this is to make a simple but useable directory to help jobseekers like me who want to break into this budding industry without having to go through multiple job websites.

Despite claims that there are 3,000,000+ job openings in cybersecurity, most of these positions seem to be hidden and not actively advertised as the claims would suggest. A lot of them are surely found in the US, but there are some that offer remote positions.

Post-Covid pandemic lockdowns, work from home and remote positions were straightforward: most of the time, anybody can apply for any position as long as the job title says (Work-from-home) or (Remote). But WFH and Remote, fatigue plus an impending recession have sprung forth a new paradigm - (Work-from-home / country specific), Hybrid, and it got harder to find "True" global WFH positions.

I am a Filipino, in the Philippines, who's also a freelance writer (12+ years) and would appreciate any pull requests and contributions.