Java client library for Kill Bill.
Kill Bill compatibility
Client version | Kill Bill version |
0.23.y | 0.16.z |
0.40.y | 0.18.z |
0.41.y | 0.19.z |
1.0.y | 0.20.z |
1.1.y | 0.22.z |
1.2.y | 0.22.z |
We've upgraded numerous dependencies in 1.2.x (required for Java 11 support).
Add the library to your application:
<version>... release version ...</version>
The easiest way to get started is to look at our Java client tutorial. We also provide a sample Java client application. You can clone this project in order to get started.
When sending a body, if you are unsure which parameters to pass, take a look at the Java api documentation.
To build the library:
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
This will produce several jars, including:
- killbill-client-java-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.jar which contains the library only
- killbill-client-java-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar which is a self-contained jar (library and dependencies)
Kill Bill is the leading Open-Source Subscription Billing & Payments Platform. For more information about the project, go to