
Getting too many Maximum call stack size exceeded errors in cell.fx.processDependency

MB34 opened this issue · 16 comments

MB34 commented

This is not that complicated a form. Can't understand why this is happening
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Mrbaseball34/dtbygwpb/

It also clears the value entered into the field. Try putting value in ECI Amount field then tab out.

What am I doing wrong?

For the ECI amount, it has data-formula attribute, so direct input to it is prohibited

it get max call stack exceeded because there are circular reference in your calculator, try enable circular reference check


and it will alert

Circular reference detected, this may cause calx to stop working.
cell : E47
formula : IF(ISERROR(E15/E48),"", ROUND(E15/E48,4))

Please check each cells involved in the formula that has direct or indirect reference to E47
MB34 commented

For some reason, I can't access your website:

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MB34 commented

it has data-formula attribute, so direct input to it is prohibited

So you are saying that you cannot have a formula on a field where you input data??

MB34 commented

Is there a better way to do these formulas on this form? The Excel spreadsheet they were copied from does not have this issue.

Yes, since it has formula, then it is intended as output, to output the calculation result, not as input

calx does process the formula like spreadsheet, but it isn't a spreadsheet library, just help to process spreadsheet formula in a web form.

my advice is to remove any formula in the input field, and only use it on output field, if you need some kind of validation, you can combine calx with some validation plugin.

here is sample where calx and validationEngine are used together:


MB34 commented

I see it now, that formula wasn't supposed to be there.

I, however, cannot get the percentage field formulas to work and the one for the FY 2017 Projected Locally Collected Funds Requirement keeps coming up #ERROR

I have used ValidationEngine before and like it...

MB34 commented

This is how the calculations are supposed to look.


it seems that SUMIF doesn't support wildcard criteria yet as you can see in this line https://github.com/xsanisty/jquery-calx/blob/master/jquery-calx-2.2.7.js#L3513-L3527

you can override default function tho, see registerFunction here http://www.xsanisty.com/project/calx2/calx-api/

MB34 commented

Will SUMIF not work on the values vs. the text in the <select>?

MB34 commented

I have rewritten using a custom function and registered it but get #NAME? in the field.

MB34 commented

Can you help on this last thing?

MB34 commented

I was finally able to get it working:

$('#sheet').calx('registerFunction', 'CYPLCFR', function(args1) {
// This gets the values in the select(s)
var select_Vals = $('#sheet').calx('getSheet').getCellRangeValue('C15', 'C16');
// initialize to 0;
var CYPLCFR = 0;
// loop through the selects and if match value, add up the Ppojected Requirement
for (var i in select_Vals) {
switch (select_Vals[i]) {
case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34:
case 35: case 42: case 46: case 47: case 48:
case 49: case 50: case 51: case 53:
// This sets the corresponding Amount cell "name"
var amt_cell = i.replace("C", "E");
// Now get the Amount
var value = (!$.isNumeric(parseFloat(args1[amt_cell])) ? 0 : parseFloat(args1[amt_cell]));
// And sum it up.
CYPLCFR += value;
// Then return the sum to the cell
return CYPLCFR;

But how do I keep #NAME from showing when the page initially loads?

You can try to trigger calculation after registering your function

MB34 commented

OK, that fixed the #NAME? issue but I am having problems getting the last field to calculate. Everything I try won't make it work in cell E54.

MB34 commented

Also how would I conditionally style any cell whose values were negative?