Slow startup
sitepodmatt opened this issue · 1 comments
I noticed once including pandect in my project (to use sha1 fn) that the repl startup time slowed significantly, sometimes even in timing out. I isolated it to pandect by creating a minimal repl (isolated dependency graph), and finding the culprit looking like pandect, doing (require '[pandect.core]) takes upwards of 10 seconds?
I ripped it out and replaced with clj-digest as I only needed sha1 fn and everything is sane again, luckily due to same fn name and use :refer is ns only minimal changes.
@nonuby Since version 0.4.0 it's possible to have more directed access to hashing functions using pandect.algo.*
namespaces - you are not alone in observing long loading times with pandect.core
So, I recommend using the latest pandect version (0.4.1), as well as:
(ns your-ns
(:require [pandect.algo.sha1 :refer [sha1]]))
See here for more documentation.
user=> (time (require 'pandect.core))
"Elapsed time: 3249.444 msecs"
... start fresh REPL ...
user=> (time (require 'pandect.algo.sha1))
"Elapsed time: 283.558 msecs"