
New example: PUMI/Omega_h+MFEM

v-dobrev opened this issue · 6 comments

Description: Adaptive mesh refinement for a diffusion problem using MFEM+PUMI

I think that is one option. I wanted to discuss this with you. :-)

One constraint is that we want to have an example that does not need a big input file -- it is probably best to include the needed input files in the repo and we don't want to add big files.

Is ~1MB too large for inputs?

I'm not sure, maybe 1MB is okay. I can bring it up at the next meeting to see what others think.

What's probably more important is to make sure we have a test run that does not require a lot of time to run, so it can be used as a CMake test and be run during CI. Maybe runtime of less than 1 min is a reasonable target.

Of course, I think bigger, more interesting problems, can be listed as sample runs in the README.md file in the directory where this new example will be.

@v-dobrev The 10k element mesh is here:


It should be used with the .dmg geometric model here:


I ran ex6p with the following arguments:

mpirun -np 2 ./ex6p --mesh $data/parallel/KovaLinear/Kova-linear-10k_2p.smb -p $data/geom/Kova.dmg

Thank @cwsmith, I added the mesh files in PR #43.