Call function without arguments
mrmaloof opened this issue · 1 comments
mrmaloof commented
I've defined a function, year, using the bridge but I'm unsure how to invoke it my template. The function does not take any arguments.
<: year() :> # Throws an error
<: (0).year() :> # ok, 2015
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Text::Xslate;
package MyBridge;
use parent qw(Text::Xslate::Bridge);
use Time::Piece;
scalar => { year => \&year },
array => {},
hash => {},
sub year { localtime->year }
my $tx = Text::Xslate->new( module => [qw(MyBridge)], );
my $res = $tx->render_string('<: (0).year() :>');
is( $res, 2015 );
$res = $tx->render_string('<: year() :>');
is( $res, 2015 );
syohex commented
Sorry very too late reply. You should use function option of constructor in such case(Please see You have to specify scalar invocant for method.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Text::Xslate;
use Time::Piece;
my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
function => {
year => sub { localtime->year },
my $res = $tx->render_string('<: year() :>');
is( $res, 2016 );