Hijri date with datetimepicker
ZouZou opened this issue · 2 comments
Am no sure if I should be posting the issue here or in the Git of the datetimepicker, however whenever I try to use the moment-hijri with the bootstrap-datetimepicker and setting the format at 'iDD/iMM/iYYYY' I keep getting the 'i' in front of the days/months/years and yes I did include the ar-sa file for moment.
So if you could please help out.
I have found the solution for this issue, by specify the minDate and maxDate, after all it wasn't either the problem of the moment-hijri nor the bootstrap-datetimepicker.
however I have found out that the moment-hijri cannot subtract more than 78 years, due to the values in ummalqura.ummalquraData, can we add more years? and how?
Please how did you manage to use this package with bootstrap datetimepicker.
the page freezes whenever i click on the field