
Possible to Eliminate Prefixing Services?

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Thanks for the great working prototype. I have been able to take this example and expand it to handle the "tenant per namespace" approach. However, I cannot find a way to prevent prefixing the Wordpress app with the tenant ID. Since each tenant has namespace isolation I would like to have the same service names in each namespace.

Is there a way to stop/prevent the prefixing of services so I end up with just wordpress and mariadb instead of hooli-wordpress and hooli-mariadb?

Hi @inviscid, glad to hear this example is helping you :)

The resource names (service and others) come from the the Wordpress charts itself. By default, the service name will be .Release.Name which in case of ArgoCD deployments will be the name of the ArgoCD application.

You can override this by setting .Values.fullnameOverride to your desired value.

Many thanks. That worked great!

I was worried the ApplicationSet was controlling the service naming in an opinionated way. This really is quite flexible.