
Please provide binaries for download on GitHub Releases

probonopd opened this issue · 8 comments

What's that good for? You have to customise a lot of the code first to make it fit your own web app, why should there be a prebuilt release of the example app?

There's a repo where I put the releases of the Leasingrechnen.at app:
But the Linux app is not ready yet, app icons are still buggy.

Yes, I think it's always good to have default examples to test before one has to compile something. Thanks.

Ok, I'll add the Release repo to the README - still, I don't think that compiling is that hard here, it's literally 3 commands (git clone, npm i, npm run build), if one's working with Linux, one should be able to do that 😁

Here we go, I've added the repo to the Release Notes of 1.1 beta.

Btw, if you manage to solve the App- and Tray-Icon issue on Linux, a Pull Request would be much appreciated!

Thanks @xtools-at but where exactly do I find the AppImage for download? (Am I blind?)

But the Linux app is not ready yet, app icons are still buggy.

I didn't upload a build since it's not ready yet (see #3 ). I've dropped you my latest Dev-Version on Drive.

just compiled a new version for testing a fix with #3 - I've updated the link and comment above.
the compiled AppImage will be added to the Releases-Repo once it's done.

Will be adding a working Linux version within the next 30min to the release-repo.