
Convert any data file to any other

Primary LanguagePython

Data Converter


Convert data files between different formats


Python: pip install data-converter
Brew: coming soon...

Ways to use

Command line

$ data-converter -h
usage: data-converter [-h] -t TO input_file

Convert data files

positional arguments:
  input_file      File to convert from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -t TO, --to TO  Format to convert to

Import in python

import data_converter

# Convert one format to another. Ex. csv --> json
output_path = data_converter.convert("~/some/data/file.csv", "json")
print(output_path)  # Print the full path of the new json file

# Read in any supported data format into a python object
data = data_converter.csv_helper.read_file("~/some/data/test.csv")

Currently supported file types

  • json
  • csv